Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

This trick able to overcome addiction fatty foods

This trick able to overcome addiction fatty foods
illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Consumption of fatty foods which excessive, is known to cause addiction effects because can make the body feel comfortable in a short time. In fact, fatty foods can increase the risk of obesity and other serious diseases.

Here's how you need to do for prevent addiction to fatty foods, as reported by Self, among others:

1. Overcoming stress
You can fight the the desire to eat fatty foods with overcoming one of the trigger, that is stress. Stress can increase the levels of ghrelin, a hormone that affects hunger and it makes high-fat foods look more tempting.

Take a deep breath in, hold it and then exhale slowly each time your mind overburdened by the problem.

2. Avoid ordering food from a delivery service
When you feel hungry at night, probably the easiest option is to order food via service messages between restaurants. However, restaurants that provide messaging services between, usually presents menus of high-fat foods such as burgers, pizza, and so on.

Eating too much fast food can overload the body with omega-6 fatty acids that can make you wanting more fatty foods. The best option is to cook your own food at home and chose the fish as a source of omega-3 fatty acids are good for the body.

3. Remembering the difficult times
According to the study, someone who remembering the difficult times before choosing foods, tend to drop the option to eat healthier foods. The difficult times on someone for example is when you are sick or do not have enough money to eat restaurant food.

Think about the difficult times can make someone thinking back if want to eat the food in the restaurant that is usually high in fat.

4. Do not skip mealtime
When someone skip a mealtime, for example not breakfast, himself will be too hungry during the day. Stomach which hunger makes the body want convenience with fast, namely with eating fatty foods.

Do not skip mealtime and eat at minimum one hour after waking with food the protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat to prevent hunger in the middle of the day.

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