Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Want Healthy Heart? Obligatory Consuming These Foods

Want Healthy Heart? Obligatory Consuming These Foods
Eating tomatoes prevent heart disease (Photo: Google)
DISEASE Cardiovascular be one of many diseases that attack people from various ages. Eating patterns that are not healthy be one factor that cause cardiovascular disorders.

For do prevention, we can begin to change our diet. With reducing the intake of foods high in fat and salt. Provide nutrients that can help the heart work we will also help. Here are some foods you can eat to prevent heart disease, as reported by FoxNews.

The scientists recently announced the blueberries and strawberries contain high levels of naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids, which fight the buildup of plaque and provide other cardiovascular benefits. According to an article in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers studied the women and found that they who ate at least three servings of blueberries and strawberries per week have risk of heart attack more little.

An apple a day can make your heart more healthy. A recent study from Tufts University shows cholesterol down up to 40 percent in participants who ate one apple per day. Apples are packed with content of polyphenols, believed to help for the reduction of bad cholesterol.

A study found an association between lycopene, a phytochemical in tomatoes, and cardiovascular disease. Similar results were seen in a study done in gazpacho, vegetable soup with the main ingredient of tomato. The researchers found the gazpacho, which consumed regularly associated with a reduction in high blood pressure.

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