Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Three this vitamin, potent for testosterone booster

Consumption of vitamin E (Photo: Livestrong)
Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is important. Although women also have this hormone, but men have approximately 40 to 60 times a lot more than women. Maintain testosterone levels stay balanced and in the normal range can make your sex life are well preserved.

When you get older, your testosterone levels will decrease, so the reduction of energy, sex drive, and muscle strength sometimes dropped dramatically. On the other hand, if the testosterone level is too high, it can cause some health problems, risk, such as high blood pressure, agitation and a higher risk of prostate cancer in men.

A recent study by the Yale School of Medicine also found that high testosterone levels can lead to a huge loss of brain cells. Natural ways to increase testosterone is to eat foods rich in vitamins. Here are vitamins that you can consume to increase the level of testosterone in healthy as reported by eHow.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in the formation of testosterone, sperm production and testicular tissue maintenance. In addition, vitamin A also plays an important role in female fertility. Women with vitamin A deficiency oftentimes experiencing difficulty for pregnant or finally experiencing a miscarriage. Foods rich in vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, milk and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also known as vitamin sex. This not just stimulates the formation of sex hormones, but also improves blood circulation, so that the flow of blood to flow to the genital area. As a result, reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men and improve sexual response in women. Low levels of vitamin E usually leads to low sex drive. Foods rich in vitamin E are nuts, seeds, spinach, asparagus, and peas.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 has an important role in the formation of testosterone, help the body in fight stress and also improve overall physical endurance. People who lack vitamin B5 typically experience numbness, insomnia, depression, anxiety and low sex drive. Good sources of vitamin B5 are eggs, beans, beef, broccoli, whole grains, and poultry.

Hopefully useful for you..

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