Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Fruits cleaners blood vessels

Fruits cleaners blood vessels
Blood vessels can experience constriction due to pile of fat. This condition next will cause the occurrence of inflammation caused by a pile of cholesterol and plaque in blood vessels and high blood pressure. If plaque the more thick, blood vessels can become clogged, which could end up the occurrence of heart attack or stroke.

Do not let yourself get attacked by disease is not contagious which deadly it. Come on prevent blockage of blood vessels by increasing the intake of this fruits.

Kiwi and Melon

Second these fruits are rich in antioxidants, the antidote to free radicals, which are useful reducing LDL cholesterol. If the excess LDL in the body will cause the blood vessels rusty and appears plaque.

Antioxidants will stop the activity of LDL in shaping of rust it, and at once prevent the spread of rust. Eat it a kiwi fruit or a bowl of melon per day, to prevent the occurrence blockages in the artery vessels.

Red grapes and cranberry

These fruits will expel fat from the blood vessels, and improve the ability of cells to absorb the fat that is then used to produce energy in a more optimal. So, fat is also did not get to accumulate in the blood vessels.

In order that blood vessels is always clean and blood flow smoothly, drink a glass of cranberry juice three times a week or eating a bowl of red grapes every day.

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