Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Beware, share a food & drinks potential to can transmit the meningitis

Beware, kiss can transmit the meningitis (Photo: Google)

MENINGITIS is a condition characterized by inflammation on the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and the brain as a result of viral, bacterial or mushrooms. Prevention should be done so that the disease does not continue to grow.

Of the three types of infection that can cause meningitis, bacterial meningitis is the most serious because it can cause brain damage, hearing loss, and possibly death. Type of meningitis you have will determine your treatment. Certain herbs such as garlic can help boost the immune system, fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, as reported by livestrong.

Because of the similarity of symptoms, meningitis is sometimes regarded as the flu. Some of the common symptoms for people over the age of 2 years old include fever, sensitivity to light, seizures, nausea or vomiting, headache, confusion, stiff neck, and difficulty concentrating.

Some common types of bacteria that cause meningitis can with easy spread through kissing, sharing food or drinks, sneezing and coughing. Washing hands after eating and using the toilet can reduce the risk exposed of this condition.

Source:  Livestrong

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