Senin, 25 Februari 2013

This He Cause Yellow Teeth on Toddlers

This He Cause Yellow Teeth on Toddlers
Though still a child, sometimes they also like to pay attention to his appearance. No wonder kids feel embarrassed even embarrassed if her teeth looks yellow. Actually, what the heck is causing tooth of children become is yellow?

There are several factors that make children's teeth change color become yellow, for example, the existence stain that sticks from drinks, drinking water that using a pump with a high iron levels. Vitamins also contain iron well as brushing teeth that is not true also be the cause.

"Antibiotics be drunk that is carried through the blood vessels that some deposited on the teeth," said Prof. drg. Heriandi Sutadi SpKGA (K)., Ph.D. when found in the seminar titled 'My teeth My body Healthy Strong' in Islam Dian Didaktika School Auditorium, Block F No. Jl Eagles. 16 Cinere Estate, Depok, West Java, as written on Monday (25/02/2013).

Doctors birth Cianjur, October 6, 1954 is also explain that the use of the antibiotics can affect child's teeth become yellow. Antibiotics that cause yellow teeth in toddlers is which mainly from the tetracycline class, posing an impact if its use excessive and a long period of time. But for this moment the effect from antibiotic is not too big.

Then, ideally when doing Tooth Care? "Dental care done since pregnant women with eating-foods that are nutritious and allowed to consume vitamins," says Prof Heriandi.

Added also by the founder and Board Committee PDAA (Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia) who served until now, an easy way to maintain healthy teeth namely is to reduce drinking and eating food sweet. Perform also gargle with water and control with drug anti plaque.

Therefore, love your children, with bringing to the dentist regularly. Because if his teeth hurt so intake his food become reduced and his health will suffer.

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