Jumat, 30 November 2012

The nutrient content and benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is a fruit. It is a sure thing and recognized by the community. Is essentially a cucumber have seeds that are part of the plant breeding system. This one fruit tasty and savory. Cucumbers are often referred to as the cucumber fruit. This cucumber fruit memili Latin name Cucumis sativus. Most of the people like this fruit because of the effects of cold and slightly sweet flavor caused. Cucumbers are often present in some kinds of dishes such as salads, pickles, and fresh vegetables. The fruit is also a fruit that is often present in Javanese cuisine and Sundanese.

History and cultivation of cucumber

Cucumbers were first cultivated in northern India, hundreds of years ago. Cucumber is actually easily cultivated plants, as long as the ground is quite wet. Cucumber cultivation can be done in the highlands and lowlands. Cucumbers taste of course influenced by the quality of the soil. Cucumber is a vegetable that is spreading widely in the world, very much after the cabbage, tomatoes and onions. Cucumber can be found almost all over the world, with different species of course. In Indonesia, you can easily get the cucumber, ranging from the traditional to the market in the supermarket.

Nutrient content in cucumber

Cucumbers are a lot of nutrients in them as much as 0.65% in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrate by 0.1% at 2.2%. In addition to the above substances, there are also magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B2. In one cucumber, there are about 35,100 to 486,700 parts per quadrillion linoleic acid which is included in interest cucurbiaceae. In general, all the cucumbers have many compounds that contain kukurbitasin. This substance has its benefits as anticancer agents that can prevent the tumor from an early age.

Benefits of cucumber as a medicine outside include:

1. pimple

Cucumber washed and sliced. cucumber slices placed and rubbed against the skin with acne. Do it every day after cleaning the face first.

2. Dark spots acne scars
Take the end of the cucumber along approximately 5 cm, then grated. Take turmeric for your thumb, then ground and take the water. The water was mixed in turmeric that has been shredded cucumber that. Then apply to the face. Do it every day until the spots disappear. Alternatively, you can use a spray toner homemade. How, grate a cucumber that has been peeled. Strain and take the water, mix with two teaspoons of honey. Then insert the mixture into spray bottle that comes ons. Spray to the face twice daily.

3. sore throat
The trick, mix a bit of cucumber seeds with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to rinse.

Benefits of cucumber as a drug to be drink or consumed:

1. High blood pressure
With way, 2 pieces of fresh cucumber washed and shredded. The results of his grater squeezed and filtered, then drink as well. Do it 2-3 times a day.

2. Sprue
Every day eat as much as 9 pieces of cucumber fruit. Perform routine.

3. kidney cleanse
Freshly washed and shredded cucumber. Results parutannya squeezed and filtered. Drink the water little by little until the gastric fluid used to receiving cucumber.

4. fever
Take a cucumber taste, washed clean, and shredded. Results grater placed above the stomach.

5. Irregular menstruation
Finely minced leaves 10 cocor ducks, 5 finger gourd of water, 5 majakan, 1 cucumber, leaves 10 dadap SREP, leaves 10 sambaing plug in, add water salt to taste. Then rubbed into the abdomen, and dressing. Do it twice a day.

6. As a breath freshener
After brushing your teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel fresh.
Starfruit (avverhoa bilimbi) is a native American plant that thrives in the blood that gets a lot of direct sunlight but enough air humidity.

Other Benefits:

1. skin care

Cucumber has diuretic properties, cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. High water content; vitamin A, B, and C, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make cucumbers are an important part of skin care. Face mask that contains cucumber extract used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in the cucumber can lower the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

2. digestive function

Gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, gastritis acidity, and even ulcers, can be cured by eating fresh cucumber juice every day. The content of dietary fiber in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system that memingkatkan digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is considered very effective as a remedy constipation.

3. joint health
In cucumber contains silica which can promote joint health by strengthening connective tissue.

4. digestion of proteins

Erepsin Cucumber contains enzymes that help in digestion of proteins.

5. blood pressure

Potassium, magnesium, and fiber present in the cucumber can help you keep your blood pressure remains normal.

6. Kills tapeworms
Cucumber seeds is considered as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. In fact, the cucumber seeds are also known to be useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.

7. nail care
Cucumbers are rich in silica, can prevent rupture and destruction of the nails on the toes and hands.

8. Overcome gout and rheumatism

Cucumber juice is enriched in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and D and folate, magnesium, and calcium when mixed with carrot juice may help patients who experience joint pain by lowering uric acid.

9. Treat Toothache and gum
Mouth disease of the teeth and gums, especially pyorrhea, can be treated Effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber can also increase of saliva and serves to neutralize the acids and bases in the oral cavity.

10. diabetes

Cucumber juice is known to help the health of Patients with diabetes. The content of manganese minerals useful in the synthesis of natural insulin in the body.

11. renal care

Cucumber show benefit in helping to relieve bladder and kidney problems. The water contained in the cucumber helps to Expedite the process of kidney function Urination. In fact, cucumber is the best natural diuretic.

12. nourish hair
Cucumbers contain silica. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot, spinach, and lettuce will help enrichment hair. Silica is found in connective tissue in the body. This compound helps the growth of hair so if diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and healthy bones.

Hopefully this article useful and adds insight for you.

(various source)

Benefits and efficacy of pineapple fruit for health

Benefits and efficacy of pineapple fruit for health has been clinically proven or traditional. Pineapple tree can thrive in the tropics and not knowing the season. the harvest continues. about 2 to 3 times per year.

Not only men are efficacious, but the other part of the pineapple is also efficacious as, leather works to clean marble. Pineapple leaf serves as a pyretic (fever).

So we are always thinking about what is in kandngan pineapple? them is high enough Vitamin C, or about 12 mg in 78 ounces pineapple.

Pineapple also contains phitochemical good for health. Phitochemical is the substance, not the nutrients that are found in plants that have a beneficial biological activity of the body, which is as an antioxidant. In addition it also contains pineapple enzyme bromelain which can alter protein in meat and milk gelatin making food ingredients into wet. Because of its nature, the pineapple can soften the meat by putting a piece of pineapple on it, but not too long so as not to experience softness.

"Despite the sour pineapple is not dangerous for people with ulcers. Phitochemicalnya content can lower high pH to be able to control stomach acid. To add properties pineapple better consumed whole. As for mixed fruit salad and iced fruit."

The fruit is rich in vitamins A and C as an antioxidant. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain.
Bromelain efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, as well as inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Fiber content can facilitate defecation in Patients with constipation.

Some of the benefits of pineapple is ripe:

    -  is cold.

    -  can discourage excessive stomach acid.
    - The food in the stomach to help digestion.
    -  anti-inflammatory.
    -  laxative urine (diuretic).
    -  clean the dead skin tissue,
    -  interfere with cancer cell growth.
    -  inhibit platelet clumping.

Some diseases can be cured with Pineapple:

    -  The juice (juice) Pineapple: Wormy, sore throat, Beriberi, weight loss, digestive problems.
    -  Pineapple leaves (washed, finely ground, and apply on the sick): For burns, itching and sores.
    -  Dandruff: Provide 1/4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin and grate, squeeze, and strain. Add the juice of 1 lime fruit and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp is dandruff. Do it at night before bed. The next morning washing your hair. Do it 2-3 times a week.
    -  Inflammation of the skin: provide 1/2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin and grate. Results parutannya used to rub the skin scaly and peeling. Do it once a day, at night before bed. The next morning freshly washed clean. Do it every day.
    -  Constipation: drinking water of 3 Pineapple juice, but choose not ripe fruit and a little bit sour.

Side Effects of pineapple:

   - Young pineapple potential as abortivum or similar drugs to an abortion. Therefore, pineapple can be used to launch a late period. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited to consume young pineapple.
   -  trigger arthritis. In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout. Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
   -  increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruit contains a high sugar content. So, for people with diabetes, should not consume excessive pineapple.
   -  itchy. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, soak the pineapple chunks with salt water.

(various source)

Avoid this food for Beautiful Skin

You may have heard the familiar: we shaped by the food we eat. When talking about the condition of the skin, the skin is a reflection of the quality of the diet owned.

These are foods that if the consumption too often can reduce the beauty of the skin.

1. Processed foods

During processing, live enzymes and nutrients in the food will be reduced and even disappear. Therefore, if you want the skin looking bright, eat only quality food ingredients. Foods that contain high water, especially fruits and vegetables, will help to moisturize the skin, regulate oil production and helps detoxification.

2. Meat

Whenever possible, buy organic meat. Some types of meat animals known to be given additional hormones in food, even antibiotics so they are not easy to get sick. If you eat meat, then additional components in the feed tenak can cause hormonal imbalances that can trigger acne and inflammation.

3. Fried

If the oil is heated in a high temperature, then the oils and fats will oxidize and will go into our bodies through food. The oil used repeatedly for cooking is not recommended because the fat is very thick and difficult to detox the body. Besides bad for blood vessels, the habit of eating fried foods will also make collagen and elastin slow production so skin looks loose and dull.

4. Excessive sugar

Sugar weakens the immune system so the body is not able to fight the bacteria to the maximum, including the bacteria that cause acne. In the body, sugar is acidic so that more harmful bacteria that live. This means more toxins and make skin dull. In addition, foods that contain high sugar also causes rapid blood sugar levels rise so much circulating insulin levels in the blood. Recent studies have shown it will also trigger acne.

5. Excessive caffeine

The study showed that consumption of 2-3 cups of caffeinated beverages per day will trigger the pituitary adrenocortical responses that will increase the level of cortisol in the body. Excess cortisol hormone (known as a stress hormone) has been shown to accelerate the process of aging and skin damage. Coffee is also a diuretic and causes the body to dehydrate the skin so that the appearance was so disturbed.

Source:  LiveStrong

Delicious food for healthy eyes

Illustration of healthy food
Keeping eyes healthy is important to always excellent eyesight. Better yet, keep your eyes healthy conducted while a young age when the eye is healthy to continue to maintain their health until old age.

Here are some foods that are not only delicious, but also very good for your eyes.

Salmon, Tuna and Sardines

Fish oil from salmon, tuna, and sardines contains omega-3. The benefits of this diet is that it can reduce the symptoms of pain due to dry eyes, red eyes, and itchy, though aided also by using eye drops. Food is also mentioned may reduce the risk of cataracts.

Vegetables colored Red, Green, and Yellow

Five to nine servings of brightly colored vegetables each day, containing optimal amounts of antioxidants to the body. It is very good to protect the body against all forms of cancer, and the eyes by reducing the damage caused by free radicals. Eye diseases associated with free radicals commonly occurs in the elderly, so excellent if done while guarding a young age. Vegetables such as spinach and kale, sweet corn, peas, and broccoli contain lutein which is one of the powerful antioxidant. Then add a serving of vegetables into your diet is certainly very well done.

Carrot and Sweet Kinds of Types

Carrots and potatoes containing pro-vitamin A carotenoids, high beta-carotene, and vitamins are the most effective way to maintain eye health. Vitamin A helps treat dry eye and a variety of other symptoms of eye irritation.

These vegetables can also help protect the cornea in the eye which is important for vision. Besides these vegetables can also keep your bones strong and healthy for, and enhance the immune system. Vitamin A in carrots make the membrane on the surface of the eye and the skin is stronger, thus preventing bacterial and viral infections.

Beef, Chicken, Liver, Cheese and Milk

In addition to vitamin A and lutein from vegetable, another source that is derived from animals, such as beef, chicken, liver, cheese and milk. By combining vitamin A and lutein the eyesight health will be maintained longer.

Maintaining healthy eyes with good food consumption, easy isn't it?

Source:  medicaldaily

7 Food Best for Digestion

In choosing the best foods for digestive health, perhaps the most important is that the food does not cause any symptoms or complaints. In other words, the food was good it could make digestion easier.

What foods are good and what foods should be avoided for healthy digestion? Following advice from the experts.


1. Vegetables and fruit
This food is a source of fiber that will expedite the process of digestion and elimination. Should we eat fiber 20-30 grams per day, equivalent to 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables.

2. Whole Grains
Source of whole grain foods such as brown rice and wheat. However, this advice may not apply to those who have chronic diseases such as celiac illness or gluten sensitive.

3. banana
Basically, all kinds of fruit good for digestion, but bananas are highly recommended because it does not irritate the stomach. The fruit is also recommended for those who are suffering from diarrhea or nausea and vomiting.

4. water
Adequate water consumption is necessary to aid healthy digestion.

5. ginger
Herbs and spices such as ginger, peppermint, or turmeric is a friend of the stomach that is in trouble. Make ginger tea to relieve indigestion.

6. sources of probiotics
Probiotics contain good bacteria that will restore the balance of bad bacteria in the gut. Should select products that contain live bacteria such as yogurt and kefir.

7. sources of prebiotic
Prebiotics are food sources of probiotics are required for good bacteria. Prebiotics are found in whole grains, onions, asparagus, and lentils.

Conversely, avoid foods that will trigger reflux symptoms and pain in the throat such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, soda, or high saturated fat.

Source:  huffingtonpost

Efficacy of ant nest for health

Benefits and efficacy of ant nests for health
Benefits Ants Nest for Health and Benefits Ants Nest for Health: Ants are usually pretty annoying, apparently nest of ants beneficial to health and overcome disease.

According to some studies, the active compound content of ant nests nutritious treat diseases and good for health.

Some few Benefits and Benefits Ants Nest for health and wellness or to treat diseases of the body.

* Cure Cancer And Tumors
Ants Nest can cure types of cancer and tumors, benign or malignant, such as:
- Brain cancer
- Cancer of the nose
- Breast cancer
- Liver cancer
- Lung cancer
- Bowel cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Skin cancer
- Prostate cancer
- As well as blood cancer (leukemia)
- Except for cancers of the throat and oral cavity.

* Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders
Although until now the mechanism is not clear, but the ant nests useful for treatment of various diseases or cardiovascular disorders, especially coronary heart disease. Because the content of multi-minerals, especially calcium and potassium in ant nests.

* Treatment of Stroke

The content of multi-minerals contained in ant nests also can be used for treatment of mild or severe stroke.

* Treatment of Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Flavonoid and high tanin in ant nests can also for the treatment of piles (hemorrhoids). Both classes of compounds in several studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

* Healing Lump-Lump in the Breast
The meaning of lumps in the breast is not swollen tumor (non-neoplastic). Allegedly healing mechanisms similar to tumors and cancer cases, by relying on the ability of the flavonoid contained in the ant nest.

* Treatment of Impaired Kidney Function And Prostate
Mechanisms and treatment of renal dysfunction prostate possibility has to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals contained in ant nests.

* Menstruation Treatment and Discharge

Process for the treatment of menstrual discharge and launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.

* Smooth Circulation of Blood
The high antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the nest has an important role in blood circulation.

* Treating Migraines (Headaches Next)

For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid functions and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

* Treating Tuberculosis (Lung Disease)

Treatment of TB associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an antiviral.

* Treat Rheumatism (Gout)
This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes, and tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

* Overcoming Allergies Nasal Disorders, Nosebleed and Sneezing Sneezing
The compounds responsible for this disorder are antioxidants (tocopherol and flavonoids) and tannins.

* Treating Pain Maag

Like tuberculosis, which play a role in the treatment of ulcer is a flavonoid contained in the ant nest as an antibacterial.

* Smooth and Improve breastfeeding
Multi-mineral content of ant nests of plants thought to have an important role in launching and increase milk production, speed up recovery after delivery of maternal health, and restore femininity.

* Restoring Sexual Arousal

The high antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant ant nests suspected to have an important role in increasing sexual arousal.

* Restore and Maintain Stamina Body
The high antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant Dais ant nests suspected to have an important role in restoring freshness and stamina.

That's 16 Health Benefits Ants Nest can Make you know. Although ants are sometimes annoying, but it turns out there is good for the health benefits of ant nests.

(From various sources)

Men 'Chimpanzee', Some his body closed in thick fur

(Photo: Quirky China News / Rex Feat)
Thick fur covering most of his body that comes from China. Fur is colored black and is quite thick, so the chimps resemble feathers. Therefore he called him 'chimpanzee'.

Zhang Hongming is having thick hair on the body part. Zhang is a citizen of Chongqing, China's southwestern section. He has a rare congenital disorder of pigment in the body because there is a nevus or pigmented spots on the skin.

Conditions that cause the hair to grow in much thicker skin. Thus quoted from the Medical Daily, Friday (11/20/2012).

Zhang was born with a black birthmark on his body, but he did not receive any treatment. This is because the family can not afford.

"Fur is a nightmare I was born," said Zhang.

At first the black birthmark look ordinary. But when he was 8 years old, in a black birthmark began to grow thick hair colored black.

Because of his condition, Zhang also got a lot of ribbing from people. Some call it a monkey, animals, and chimpanzees.

"Every time I see people around me whisper, I will run," he said sadly.

Fortunately, doctors at Plastic Surgery Hospital Hua agreed to provide free treatment for Zhang after hearing her story. The first operation of the six series of operations have been undertaken to remove hair and moles on the body.

Source:  Medical Daily

Lazy Sexs Because Disappointed Body Shape? Overcome with 4 way This is

(Photo: Thinkstock)
At certain times, a person will feel disappointed with the shape of her body, whether it's because of excess weight or body shape no longer feel attractive and sexy. Though it may interfere with psychological sex life.

In particular, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at how men and women look at her when sex. This concept is known as cognitive distraction body appearance (body image cognitive impairment) during sex.

The study involved 660 participants who answered a few questions about their satisfaction with body shape while having sex, including satisfaction of the participants believed about how the couple saw her.

From there, researchers found that participants who were not satisfied with the shape of her body and was not happy with the condition of a particular body part body appearance is predicted to experience cognitive distraction during sexual activity.

Even for women, couples to form his opinions which he believed (eg 'He must think my stomach is too bloated or too small breasts') also negatively impact sexual confidence.

The problem, concerns about body shape it can have real impact on a person's ability to feel sexy. A survey in 2011 revealed that 52 percent of women claim to have less confidence on the body makes them reluctant to sex with a partner.

This was in line with previous studies showing that cognitive impairment may affect the sexual confidence, assertiveness (the ability to communicate what they want, feeling and thinking to others), arousal, satisfaction to orgasm.

"Concerns about body shape may reduce the frequency and the quality of sex. Because people do not feel attractive or sexy lovemaking tends to encourage lazy and refuse to offer it," said Justin Lehmiller, an expert in social psychology from Harvard University and a sex columnist.

But not to worry, consider the 4 surefire way to spice up your sex and frequency as quoted by CNN, Friday (11/30/2012) following.

1. Know exactly what makes you passionate and not

According to the concept of sexual response control (dual control model of sexual response), there are two things to note each partner before having sex. Both are commonly called the 'pedal' or what makes him passionate and 'brake' or what makes him reluctant to have sex.

'Pedal' sex fantasies one could be certain she likes, perfume partner or form a couple feet long and slender. While 'rem' it is fear can not please your partner or he was appalled by the shadow of the stomach or your hair is thinning.

"The good news, with attention and learn how to respond to the touch of your body then you can train 'brake' to be able to ignore your body image and other ideas that can inhibit the emergence of sexual arousal and orgasm," says sex educator, Emily Nagoski.

2. Listen to some music

Recent studies have revealed that music can help you ignore your body shape and increase sexual desire. Even other studies say 40 percent of people claim that music is more important to increase sexual desire rather than physical appearance or even touch mate.

The study, sponsored music site Spotify's music was also recommended musicians like Marvin Gaye, Barry White or the Kings of Leon as the top choices to encourage your lovemaking.

3. Encourage confidence slowly

Although visual stimuli proved to be more easily added to one's sexual desire, but it could be a 'brake' for those who feel themselves less attractive.

"Begin by dimming the room light, then try using a particular scent that makes you feel sexy or lingerie to cover body parts that make you worry. When you feel it's comfortable, slowly release your lingerie and enjoy intimate activity," said Levine.

4. Size it umpteen numbers

Several studies have shown that many men are not satisfied with the size of his penis, while women busy worrying about the size of her breasts. "The truth is that most men claim to be happy-happy with the size of the breast partner, and vice versa. In other words, many people are worried about their appearance for no apparent reason," said Lehmiller.

In fact the biggest sex organ is the human brain. Moreover, to reduce anxiety because of the form of the abdomen, buttocks or breast size, someone just needs his brain to make such a suggestion.

In the same way, the brain will transfer anxiety to further the dialogue with a partner or bring sexy sexual fantasy you need to revitalize your sex.

Source:  CNN

Kamis, 29 November 2012

15 Recipes naturally reduce cholesterol

illustration:  Shutterstock

Many plants were hereditary proven to lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides. Because of cheap and readily available, the plant is widely recommended.

Eating medicinal plants, both leaves, seeds, roots, or fruit, does not mean eating the plants as much as possible. Eat these ingredients with the composition and dosage. Therefore, how to make potions, composition, doses, and time usage should be more well-studied properly.

Here are some recipes laxative cholesterol and triglycerides were obtained from various sources:

1. avocado
They contain folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and glutathione, are also rich in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids. Content that is capable of lowering blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.
Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado
How to Use: Fruit eaten raw avocado. Do it every day.

2. cabbage
Cabbage (brassica oleracea var. Capitate), also called cabbage, contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, tinamide, and beta-carotene. Cabbage also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin that stimulates the formation of glutathione.
Ingredients: 1 piece of fresh cabbage
How to use: Wash the cabbage until clean, then rinse with lukewarm water. Cut into pieces as needed, and then blended. Cabbage juice drink well water, do every day.

3. sweet starfruit
What is the secret of this fruit that can repel cholesterol? Apparently the high fiber can prevent the absorption of fat so it can lower cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure. High fiber is also improving digestion. While vitamin C is a good height for anticancer.
Ingredients: 2 sweet star fruit size
How to use: carambola fruit eaten after breakfast and dinner, each 1 pc.

4. liquorice
Plants that have a foreign name licorice contains a number of substances such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, ferulic acid, sinapic acid, biotin, amino acids and beta-sitoserol. To note, do not use large doses would be sweet in the long run. There are reports that the use would be sweet with a dose of 30-40 grams per day for 9 months bibs weakness, hypertension, edema and potassium deficiency.
Ingredients: 10 grams of liquorice
How to use: Liquorice boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, filtered water, then divided into 2 times drinks, morning and evening.

5. peanuts
Ingredients: 1 handful of peanut leaf
How to use: The leaves washed and chopped fine. Insert slices of leaves into a glass, then poured boiling water with a cup of hot water. Let stand for 40 minutes, then filtered. Drinking water while warm and with an empty stomach.

6. Tempe
Ingredients: 100 grams of tempeh
How to use: Tempe is cut according to taste, then boiled, steamed, or dibacem. Tempe used as a side dish and eaten with rice.

7. Angkak
Often called Chinese red rice, tanakan is a kind of a red mushroom, named Latin Monascus purpureus. Angkak can be used to make red wine made from rice, as a food preservative, and for drugs. According to the study, red yeast rice can lower blood cholesterol levels.
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Angkak
How to use: Angkak finely ground, put in a cup, and brewed a cup of hot water. Drinking water while warm. Do it every day.

8. squash
Ingredients: 1 medium-size fruit squash
How to Use: Fruit peeled pumpkin, cut into small pieces and blended or grated, squeezed the water and strain. Set of water is taken at once.

9. sambiloto
Ingredients: 20 grams of dried bitter herbs
How to use: braised with remaining 3 cups to 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water, then drink as well. Do it every day.

10. White Ear Mushrooms
Ingredients: 10 grams of dried white mushroom
How to use: white mushroom cut sufficiently, then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Add a little artificial sweetener. After a cold, drink the water and be eaten mushrooms.

11. shallots
Shallots (Cepae bulbus), contains flavonoids that work as antioxidants and lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. Ingredients: 20 grams of fresh red onion
How to Use: Shallots thinly sliced​​, eaten with rice. Do it 3 times a day with the same size.

12. garlic
Garlic (Allii bulbus), the active ingredient s-allyl cysteine​​, a component thioallyl having hypolipidemic and antithrombotic properties. Studies at Munich University, Germany, found that adding garlic to the diet will lower bad cholesterol about 10 percent in four months. Eating fresh garlic is often a problem for many people because of poor taste and pungent aroma.

Ingredients: 1-2 cloves of garlic
How to use: Garlic thinly sliced ​​or dipipiskan and made ​​a small circle, then swallowed. Apply 2 times a day. But there are other ways to more easily enter our bodies. Garlic can dikreasikan with delicious fruit, a juice rich in benefits.

13. turmeric
With the Latin name Curcumae domesticae rhizoma, this plant is also efficacious blood and vital energy launch, remove the blockage, a laxative fart and menstruation, facilitate childbirth, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, as well as expedite the expenditure of bile into the intestine.
Ingredients: 10 grams of fresh turmeric rhizome
How to use: turmeric rhizome cleaned and thinly sliced​​. Boil in 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water and drink as well. Do this 3 times a day, for 12 weeks.

14. ginger
The plant's Latin name Curcumae rhizoma has kolagoga activity (bile into the intestine expedite expenditure).
Ingredients: 3 fingers of fresh ginger rhizome
How to use: Rhizome of ginger peeled and grated. Add 1/2 cup hot water and let it settle. Once cool, sediment was removed and the water is taken. Do it every day.

15. celery
Celery (apii graveolentis radix), the root contains asparagine, pentosan, glutamine, tyrosine, Manit, starch, mucus, and essential oil. Usefulness stimulate digestive enzymes and laxative urine.
Ingredients: 30 grams of fresh celery root
How to use: Root celery washed, then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water and drink as well.

(various source)