Minggu, 04 November 2012

Hah ... plus age, plus a small penis?

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The older a man the necessary stimulus for sexual arousal are also getting bigger. Not to mention the time for the erection and orgasm, all a struggle.

Not only the invisible visible functions, reproductive functions such as sperm quality and quantity will decrease dramatically.

Not only there, experts believe that the penis will change gradually with age. This change starts from 30s up to the age of grandparents.

Here are the changes that occur in the penis with age, as expressed by dr.

I Made Wirawan Cock, S.Ked, in his personal blog.


Mentioned that there are two main changes from the appearance of the penis. The first is the color of reddish / purple head of the penis (glans penis) will fade because of reduced blood flow. The second change is the less luxuriance of pubic hair male pubic.


The older a man, usually the stomach will bulge. Accumulation of fat in the lower abdomen will shrink the size of the penis. So, the distended stomach is the size of the penis will become shorter.

Experts also believe that the penis is shrinking with age. Despite the shrinking size is not too big but enough to give meaning to the might of Mr P. When the 30s, your penis length is approximately 15 cm, then when you are entering the age of 70s, your penis length is approximately 13 cm.

Why penis to shrink? To date there are two theories that can explain that is, the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels leading to the penis what is called atherosclerosis. This condition will impede the flow of blood is needed during the process of erection.

The second theory is the change in the connective tissue that make up the penis, where the number of non-elastic tissue will grow while the elastic tissue is reduced. The increase in non-elastic tissue will certainly impede the flow of blood required during erection.

The reduced size of the penis is also followed by a shrinking testicles or testes. Depreciation was started at the age of around 40 years. When the 30s testis diameter approximately 3 cm, then in the 60s a 2 cm only.


Much has been research that says that the penis is reduced sensitivity with age. This will cause the penis to the old difficulty to achieve erection and orgasm.

However, the changes that occur in the penis does not mean that will disrupt your sexual life. Although the function is reduced but not necessarily diminished sexual pleasure for the sexually satisfy not only takes a large penis, but how you can satisfy your partner.

source:  health.okezone

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