Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

9 Parts the body that can twitch and its meaning

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Certain muscle twitch not just happening in the eyes. Not also always interpreted that there is someone who miss you, some even indicate health problems that need to be addressed.

Some parts of the body can experience twitch and its meaning are as follows, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

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1. Twitch in the eyelid

The myth says that develops when the eyelids twitch, then there is someone who is miss you. But according to Professor Andrew Lotery, ophthalmologist at the University of Southampton, it happens because of muscle fatigue on the eyelid. If it appears too often, it could also be caused by irritation in the surface of the eye and the conjunctiva membrane.

Blepharospasm or weakening eye muscles can also cause a twitch at the age of 50-70 years. Similarly, the side effects of botox injections, can also trigger twitch. Even drinking too much coffee can also be a cause.

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2. Twitch in the neck and head

In the medical world is known as spasmodic torticollis or cervical dystonia. Twitch in the neck or head is often caused by uncomfortable sleeping positions triggering neck muscle injury. In these conditions a bit heavy, neck and head can suddenly turned without desired when writing or reading.

Sometimes, Botox injections could also cause side effects like this. Putting a finger on the chin or face can ease it although there is no scientific explanation

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3. Twitch on one side of the face

Dr. Raj Kapoor, consultant neurologist from the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery refer to these symptoms as hemifacial spasm. The cause is irritation of spontaneous facial nerve. Could be due to pressure on nerves and blood vessels of the face, or other unknown causes. Bell's palsy or temporary paralysis on one nerve can also trigger it.

Generally not hazardous and can be appeased with reducing stress. Get enough rest can also prevent the emergence of a twitch on one side of the face.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
4. Extreme twitch in the foot

It often happens during sleep, suddenly leg kick out of control. Sort of twitch but an extreme version because if regarding the specified object can be very painful. Though no injury, sensation of twitch in the foot feels very uncomfortable and disturbing to sleep.

Called periodic limb movement, this disorder could appear repeatedly every 20-40 seconds. The impact was reducing the quality of sleep. In 60 percent of cases, reduce the consumption of coffee and pain relievers can relieve symptoms.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
5. Twitch in the arm after sport

This condition is called fasciculation and most occur in the arms, although it can also occur in other parts of the body. The cause is fatigue on the muscle fibers. Movement of the most trigger twitch in the arm are bench presses, pull-ups and press-ups.

Sports health expert, Dr. Roger Henderson suggests there is a pause, minimum of 48 hours in each weight training. At least if exercise every day, then the in 2 days consecutive do not exercise on the same muscle.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
6. Twitch in the palm of your hand

Put a piece of paper in hand with the palm facing up. Often occurs small vibration on paper and it is generally harmless. Dr. Raj Kapoor, consultant neurologist from the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery said it was triggered by stress and lack of sleep.

Side effects of some asthma medications, can also cause hand twitching like that. Similarly, mild stimulants such as coffee.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
7. Twitch in arm

The arms are stretched, such as holding a newspaper, for example, often great tremble without desired. A kind of twitch, but just when the arm stretched and will back to normal after being rested.

Called essential tremor, and often occurs at age 40 years upward. The cause is an error signal from the brain into specific muscles. Alcohol consumption is also often exacerbate this condition. can not be cured, but if it is very disturbing can be relieved with drugs beta-blockers.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
8. Twitch throughout the body

If the body experiences a twitch in some parts of the body randomly and deteriorate, when has not eating or dieting, then the probable cause is blood sugar levels are too low. Twitch it appears because the body is pumping adrenaline to compensate for the fall in blood sugar levels.

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
9. Mild twitch in the hand

Disorders in the brain due to reduced production of dopamine compounds can cause mild twitch in the hand, which is a symptom of Parkinson's disease. This can occur even twitch was sitting with arm rests. Usually accompanied by a slowing of movements and talk is slowing.

Mild twitch in the hand also signify the condition of ataxia, namely is one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Usually hand twitching and tremble, when reaching certain objects and accompanied with digress talk.

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