Senin, 12 November 2012

Eat vegetarians tend to be more live a long

Being vegan means having to pluck plant nutrition. Get rid of all animal menu with a variety of reasons, ranging from spiritual reasons or for health reasons.

According to Loma Linda University in California, those who choose to be the vegans tend to have a history of good health and a longer life. The study of this has been done since the 1970's, from the research, as reported by Huffingtonpost, many benefits that can be derived from the vegetarian lifestyle.

It was also found from the findings that eating fruits, vegetables and nuts can help a person avoid cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, control of BMI, waist size control and enhance the ability of the brain.

A study conducted by Loma Linda University involved 96 thousand people with a detailed study. They even have presented the results of his research at the Food n Nutrition Conference and Expo.

From the study reported that on average they live a vegetarian, he can live up to 83.3 years, while women 85.7 years.

In addition, some of the following health outcomes were also found:

     Vegans tend to weigh lighter than those who eat animal menu
     Vegans tend to have a lower BMI and a normal
     Vegans have normal insulin levels and under consuming animal menu
     Vegan mitigate and reduce the number of obese

How, interested in vegetarian life style?

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