Jumat, 02 November 2012

Healthy Diet Prevent Obesity and Diabetes

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PATTERN unhealthy eating now grown rampant. This triggered many dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, cholesterol, and other deadly diseases. Maintaining body weight is one way to avoid the disease.

Weight gain occurs because the glucose in the body is not utilized properly. This causes the accumulation of fat and cause weight gain that lead to obesity.

To keep you from gaining weight suddenly, you can follow the tips to maintain a healthy weight, as quoted Healthmeup.

- If you felt the weight have increased dramatically, try to go on a diet. Diet plays an important role in weight management.

- Include lots of fruits, vegetables, protein, good fats, and whole grains in your diet.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.

- Perform at least 30 minutes of physical activity on a regular basis. This will help your body stay active and keep blood sugar levels under control.

- Perform routine checks. Visit your doctor regularly to keep blood sugar levels under control. Also ask your doctor or nutritionist about a diet that suits you.

Source:  health.okezone

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