Minggu, 11 November 2012

Surgery with a Robot More Brief, Safe and Minim Dissection

Bedah dengan Robot Lebih Singkat, Aman dan Minim Sayatan

"Patients after uterine lift surgery, the next day was able to walk, three to four days later was able to drive a car. It is a pleasure for our happiness that the operation went well, "said Vice President Director of PT Bundamedik Dr. Ivan R. Here.

It is the story of Ivan expressed about one of his patients who had been successfully operated on using technology Robotic Surgery.

Robotic Surgery is a surgical technology through a minimal incision using a robot. With the use of Robotic Surgery, all surgery does not require large incisions, but only need tools cameras, monitors and special instruments.

With Robotic Surgery, Ivan hopes the healing period becomes shorter postoperative patients compared with major operations in general.

"We want to shorten patient recovery time, not to the patient for weeks at home can not do any work because of illness after the operation," he said.

According to him, the recovery in the use of robotic surgery only takes one night to two days. Much different when compared to the recovery in the major operation that takes one to two weeks.

"Recovery overnight, most patients go home the next day I ordered. Once there was a case for the recovery takes two days, because severe condition of the disease, "he said.

Related to the public interest against Robotic Surgery, Hospital for seven months Bunda Jakarta organized facility, it claimed to have successfully handled a total of 32 cases of severe medical.

"Compared to hospitals in Singapore in his first three years using the Robotic Surgery only managed to handle 100 medical cases, within seven months we managed to handle 32 cases, it proves the immense public interest," said the bespectacled man was.

source:  sehat news

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