Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

The 7 Mistakes That Care Should Be Taken To Improve The Archiving

There are many ways of archiving, but does all of these methods useful?

There are some of the techniques of so-called black depends on the exploitation of some of the points calculated in a way Google and use deceptive sometimes succeed, but mostly at a rate of more than 90% fail because of the constant evolution of the system in the prosecution of fraud Google
In some cases, we follow the wrong ways of thinking of us as archiving methods and properly
The reason for this lack of our reading and our understanding of the policy of Google in archiving and classified sites
I'll show you today the most important 7 points in a very impressive archive your site in Google
He carefully
The first mistake: - packs links consolidated

There are some unscrupulous and sometimes inexperienced, who run
Send your site and add to the evidence and thousands of blogs and forums for the other days
That this road project and lead to the lifting and raising the Alexa ranking in Google,
But Google policies
Beware of lead to bring down your site
The second mistake: - Exchange links

We thought of some of its usefulness is developing a link to one of the sites in the location and the other
Similarly (exchange of text) so the Google spider will go to this site and the site also enter the corresponding
Will find two links that goes back to the same place for that to be classified intelligently to Google
Links is not important, here the question as to the importance of these links, then???
There is not any importance, but their number can be detrimental to the site because of the existence of links
Many neglected
The third mistake: - Links to sites not indexed and modern

There are some who use programs to send links to forums and blogs is
Indexed and randomly, and what interest did you ??!!!
These sites are not indexed so it will not receive Google spiders them and even if it is indexed
Time will be late and will not benefit from having links with Quebec Link
Waste of time no more
Fourth mistake: - Do not use the link description (Anchor Text)

Which is the most dangerous links on your site and your site When the large number of these links is
And described you will find simply that Google has dropped because of your mind as a
Annoying (spam) if increased links incomprehensible to Google for a certain number, it will
An account of the random to see which have been described and was placed as a link only and will
Ban your site found that the number of links is described a large
Add the other hand the name or description of the title and a link will therefore to increase the strength of
Your links and your site and therefore you will benefit large
Beware of a very important point
mistake V: - words in the unrelated links

There are some places of research and descriptive words of its ties to the no income no coupling
Its content, thinking that these words will bring the visitor tempted and therefore
Will convince Google!!

Big mistake, Google is increasing day by day and it can intelligently distinguish between links
And related words and words are not relevant when there is nothing to do with words
Content or the title has nothing to do in the content will add to the list of links
Sovereign and therefore neglected to treat a lot of links on your site on this basis
You will also find links to your site in the sound was victimized
This action will lead to a delay in the center of your site to Google and search results delayed
For your site
Sixth mistake: - cloud deceptive links and links

System exists, the power of every satellite locations in Google (Google PR) in order to find sites
Important and original and distinguish them from the rest is for you, the intelligent system of risk
Attempt to deceive the system put a cloud or group of links links to your site
A page of the site or in another location enter the recurrence of these links Google
To your site that was on the same site, eventually, lead to the revelation of the deception
Place and may take action leading to the Google harm your site
Seventh mistake: - Purchase of texts

Text link is of great importance too, but beware that you are buying links in the
Sites with a rating of very, very high for your site is very new These links will not convince Google
And will lead to damage your site and to the lack of which he benefited When Google revealed the existence of a link
Your site is very new in the site is selling links that would lead to harm your site and not
To interest
Unlike the fixed foot sites and indexed it benefits greatly from this
But that does not mean it is beneficial to both sites were useful but be smart
To use
He continued policies of Google and white techniques in indexing your site and away from roads
Twisted black and styles in the archiving system is Google largely succeeded not because of
Negligence or stupidity but a companion of his success was due to superior intelligence do not think you are
You can easily deceive
Leave the disposal of your nature and make the content is of interest that speak
After all of your site does not neglect the proper techniques of archiving is the way to fame and to bring your site visitors

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