Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

These 2 Simple Ways to Find the Female G-spot

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

The existence of the G-spot or the most sensitive spot on the female sex organs has become a fierce debate among the experts. Through a series of studies, researchers eventually discovered that the erotic point really exists. It's just small in size, so hard to found.

G-Spot is located on the wall of the vagina and produce remarkable effects when stimulated. This point has ganglion the most many compared with other locations in the vicinity. The size is just 8.1 x 3.6 x 1.5 mm so that reasonable if hard to find, however not mean impossible to found.

As reported by Female First, there are several ways you can do to find the G-spot, namely:

1. Exploration body
G-spot is located on the upper wall of the vagina, between the vaginal opening and the cervix. Its location could vary every woman, so every woman needs to explore own where point in the her vagina that provide the greatest stimulus.

Vaginal wall place the G-Spot, is different with other vaginal tissue a more lenient. If touched felt more wrinkled or creased compared with other networks. If you still difficult to find it, try the next method.

2. Sexual fantasies
Try to imagine sexual fantasies. When stimulate, the G-spot will enlarge 2 times the original size and hardens like the texture of a walnut. Some women managed to find this point with using sex toys.

When this point found, will appear as if the sensation to want urinate, but it really is not. If be continued, stimulate this point will make women experience ejaculate so that it can distinguish between orgasms caused by clitoral stimulation and orgasms caused by G-spot.

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