Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Women more at risk back pain because too long sitting

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)

Jakarta, Since school entry up to adult and working, a lot of people who spend most of their time with sitting. The sitting position is wrong and less ergonomic seating can lead to back pain. This disorder is more experienced women than men.

"Women are more many experiencing lower back pain due to pelvic bone structure is different from men," said Dr. Ninis Sri Prasetyowati, Sp.KFR doctor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialists of the Faculty of Medicine in the doctoral program at the Faculty of Medicine Promotion, Wednesday 96/2/2013).

Dr. Ninis explain a research conducted iteractive Harris Survey in 2004 found that the incidence of lower back pain, more experienced women amounting to 64%, rather than the man who is just 50%. Other studies also have similar conclusions.

Dr. Ninis research conducted on high school students also found that female students often experiencing of lower back pain, than male students. In addition to the form factor of the pelvis, the sitting position which is not true can also increase the pressure on the spinal structures.

"Length of time sitting can also cause lower back pain. If sitting more than 4 hours, the possibility of bigger pain. So better after sitting for 4 hours, standing or relaxation while and then continue to work," said Dr Ninis.

When sitting for a long time, Dr. Ninis explained that occur an increase the load which received by lower spine. Burden is bigger than that received when standing. The result is occur increased pressure on the part and eventually aggravate the muscles in the lower back area.

To avoid the lower back pain, Dr. Ninis suggested doing stretching movements. The goal is to loosen the joints and muscles in the lower back to tighten. In addition, the selection of chairs and the ergonomic desk that can help prevent the onset of muscle pain.

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