Minggu, 04 November 2012

People Can Die If Not Drink 10 Days

Sometimes people like to underestimate the drinking water, so this condition is often triggered dehydration. And if someone does not drink for 10 days can cause death.

"9-10 Day of the water can not be dead, because the water is very important," said Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sulaeman, food experts from IPB, in the event Cruising Sarihusada Nutrition at Mount Kidul, Yogyakarta, Friday (11/02/2012).

Prof Ahmad said that every day someone remove fluid from the body either through urine or sweat. The liquid that comes out must be replaced or recharged again, because it Minun water is very important.

"People can survive up to a month if you do not eat, but if you can not take 9-10 days to die," said Prof Ahmad.

Dehydration is a common health problem in the community, but unfortunately many do not realize this. Symptoms appear as skin dehydration and dry mouth, decreased volume of urine, sweat, saliva, crying without tears, dizziness or headache, and at the final stage can make a drop in blood pressure and fainting.

Water needs to be consumed by different people, it is because it depends on several factors such as weight, gender, weather and activities done daily. For example, people who are physically active or live in hot climates, it needs more water.

Therefore do not consider trivial drink water, get used to always drink before thirst came despite being in a cool room or air conditioning because the body tetep discharge in the form of urine and breath. If this fluid is not replaced immediately it can lead to dehydration, which makes the body function can not work optimally.

source:  health.detik

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