Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

Bumps Non-cancerous these, You Need To Beware

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Everyone was worried will the growth of cancer when a bumps appeared suddenly on his body area such as breast, neck and genital area. But not all bumps indicate cancer, it could be just a small problem that is not dangerous.

Do not too panic when you find the emergence of bumps on the body, first identify the type of bumps, as reported by Self. 

Health conditions below are also characterized with the appearance of bumps, among others:

1. Thyroid nodules
You do not need to worry about small lumps were a bit hard on the lower neck, during the lump it does not painful or moved place to part the neck other people. This is called a thyroid nodules which generally benign.

Causes of thyroid nodules is not known, but may be due to the activity of the thyroid gland. If you have some extra thyroid symptoms such as pain in addition to the lump, soon check to the doctor to treat the underlying disorder with drugs or with radioactive iodine to shrink the lump.

2. Cyst
Cysts form such as fruit wine with very soft texture and form a fluid-filled sac. Cysts usually grow around the breasts or genital area. Soft lump in the genital area may be due to blocking of the channel can cause the epidermoid cysts.

If appear a bumps on the area it and feels sensitive, compress with warm water and apply antibiotic cream. You do not have to worry if a bumps do not cause pain, but if a bumps it lasting more than a month, soon check to the doctor.

3. Lipoma
Lipoma is a bumps such as a ball rings that can move easily. These bumps in the form of fat deposits that appear mainly on the legs, trunk and arms. The cause of lipomas is genetic or descendant of the family that are generally not harmful.

If a bumps feels painful because has been regarding nerves or blood vessels, you may need a small operation to remove the lump.

4. Fibroadenoma
Fibroadenoma is round bumps that is very easy to move in the breast tissue. The cause is unknown, but it is usually very common among women aged 20 to 30 years. Doctor may will recommend to immediately do biopsy or fine-needle aspiration for confirming that it is not dangerous..

These bumps are usually not dangerous, but if the fibroadenoma it the more bigger and makes you feel anxious, the doctor can remove it through the process a small operation.

5. Swelling of the lymph nodes
Lymph nodes located in the armpits and neck (especially under the jaw, behind the ears and at the base of the skull), as well as in the crotch. If it appears a bumps in the area, it may be caused by swelling of the lymph nodes.

This is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. The swelling will disappear about three weeks, but if it does not go missing, immediately check to the doctor.

6. Ganglion cyst
Ganglion cyst is a cyst not moving, chewy and painful that can be formed on the top of the legs, the top of the wrist and back of the hand. The size of the lump, just as big as nuts or plums.

Cause of the emergence a bumps is usually caused because an injury, where cysts contain synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints and tendons. Ganglion cyst usually will resolves on its own, but if the lump stay afloat in a long time and limit your movements, bumps should be dried or removed.

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