Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

10 Tips Anti Lazy in Sport

Although already begins by a strong intention, but still there are days where laziness beat motivation to exercise. 

But there are many people who, though not an athlete but is able to exercise regularly, even more than regular brushing habits. What's the secret?

The research team has studied people who managed to do regular exercise for nearly 13 years. They were asked about how they were able to maintain their motivation.

Reasons as well as a motivation to do regular exercise is simple, such as: for health, energy, fun workout, exercise priority, sleeping better, feeling alert, feeling of relaxation, weight management, and physical appearance.

Then how to regular exercise intentions do not evaporate in the middle of the road? Here are 10 things to do:

1. Perform a activity that varies.
There need not be rules of activities that you do for exercise, such as having to go to the gym or buy some exercise equipment. Varied activities such as walking, running, tennis, cycling, aerobics classes will make the exercise is not boring.

2. Search friend sports.
Already many who claimed that the exercise will feel more comfortable and motivated when there are friends who are also committed to the same. So find a friend who can be your workout partner.

3. Make sports as a priority.
No word negotiation despite how busy you are. It's good family environment, friends, and other people nearby had come to support this good intention that they will not "disturb" your exercise schedule.

4. Do sports more morning.
Often if you decide to exercise the afternoon after work will reduce the time to gather with family. Then you'll want to exercise in the morning. Besides exercise in the morning is believed to increase energy throughout the day.

5. As an alternative, Exercise when I go home from work.
Besides in the morning, this is also a good time to exercise. Bring sports equipment when leaving for work so you do not "tempted" to relax once at home after work.

6. Keep exercising although tired of working.
Do not make tired to work as an excuse for not exercising. Because exercise will actually make the body fresh.

7. Note your sporting activity.
It's good you have a record of your old workout, how far is already running or cycling, your body weight, or anything related to your exercise routine. It makes you a target (when the ideal weight so your goal) be more quickly achieved.

8. Give signs your sport already making progress.
Signs that can you look at are: simply return your old clothes, quality night's sleep more, think more clearly, have more energy, more relaxed heart rate, and others.

9. Walk.
Walking is good exercise type. It's good anyway you record the steps or the distance that has been covered during the run of the day. If weight loss is the goal, then you have to walk at least 10,000 steps per day.

10. Give awards on your self
Have your reward if you've managed to put back the old jeans? Give small rewards like going to a favored or buy new shoes. This award will make you more motivated.

Source:  WebMD

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