Senin, 14 Januari 2013

This is a good sleeping position and bad for health

(Photo: ThinkStock)
Quality sleep is essential for your health component. In addition to sleep time should be sufficient, apparently while sleeping body posture is also important to be noticed, in order that to get the benefits of a more optimal rest.

Many people who go to bed without pain, but his body was stiff and sore in the morning. Some other people can not even sleep through the night and had to wake up because of back and neck pain was intense due to improper sleeping position.

To prevent both of these, you should also pay attention to your posture while sleeping. Optimal sleeping position to protect the spine, allowing the body to rest to effectively and maximize the benefits of sleep for health overall.

Body posture someone be it in the daytime or nighttime play a very big role in healthy bones and nervous system. Poor posture causes problems with the spine that can lead to health challenges such as headaches, neck pain and back pain.

In addition, abnormalities of the spine can interfere with the function of the nerves in the body so that cause the slow healing from back pain, organ malfunctions and immune system challenges.

In order that body posture not disturbed when sleeping, avoid some sleep position the following this is:

1. Sleeping on his stomach

Sleeping on his stomach make you have to turn your face to one of side which can cause long stretch response in ligaments and ligaments causing deformity of plastic and spinal damage.

2. Sleep with a pillow that is too big
Sleep with big pillow underneath head can cause hyperflexion and neck outstretched. It can also cause the plastic deformity that causes the head posture slightly advanced.

This is very dangerous because the forward head posture has been shown to decrease capacity of the lungs, reducing the intake of oxygen needed body cells. It can cause asthma condition, sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease.

Head posture is too advanced also affects the digestive system which leads to constipation, preventing the absorption of nutrients, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Conversely, here are the sleeping position is beneficial to health, as reported by NaturalNews, Monday (14/01/2013), among others:

1. Sleep supine with pedestal the pillow

Sleep with the supine position and position the your pillow with fast. You can also add below the knee, with the goal of in order to be more flexible hips and knee who will bear the pressure of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints.

2. Sleeping with tilted position

Some people feel more comfortable when sleeping in a tilted position with your hips and knees bent about 45 degrees. You need a support pillow, under the neck which makes the level of the head and face in a neutral position.

If the pillow under neck is too big and firm, this can cause lateral flexion position too far of the shoulder. If the pillow is too small and delicate, this can cause lateral flexion position too close to the shoulder. Both positions this very dangerous for the nervous system of the spine.

Source:  Naturalnews

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