Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

7 Facts About Wrinkles You Need to Know

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)

Wrinkles or fine lines that appear on the face can diminish the beauty and beauty. It was not only caused by aging, but there are several factors that influence it.

Here are 7 facts about wrinkles you should know that the face looks more toned and healthy despite age had aged, as reported Womansday, Monday (01/14/2013), namely:

1. Risk of wrinkles remain threaten, though you always travel driving a car
You may think that your skin will be protected from pollution and sunlight if traveling by car. But according to the dermatologist, UVA rays, which cause most of the wrinkles in the skin, able to penetrate window from car glass.

So that you still need protection against wrinkles caused by free radicals by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. You can also protect the skin by placing a colored window, which can help block UVA rays.

2. Wrinkles is character from genetic and hereditary in the family
According to dermatologists, the odds of developing wrinkles, the degree and depth of facial lines influenced by genetic hereditary in the family. You can predict the chances of developing wrinkles on the face by looking at family history.

The potential for the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging, including slack on facial skin, neck and chest area can usually be decreased from parents to his children. The best way to prevent wrinkles and sagging in the facial area is with minimizing sun exposure and use a broad spectrum sunscreen.

3. sleeping on tilted position on one same position every day
As you age, the collagen in the connective tissue and the face is not as strong as before. So, when you sleep on the same side every night, the skin repeatedly jog with cushions and will make the skin easier sagging section.

Sleep with tilted position an alternately to reverse wrinkles type and to prevent the possibility of the emergence of fine lines at all on the face, familiarize yourself to sleep on their backs.

4. Wrinkles can be caused by vision problems
Rather than being an indicator of age or damage from the sun, wrinkles that form between the folds of the eye, can be caused by problems on the senses your eyesight. Some people who experience eye problems sometimes too often squint and frowned in between the brows.

If done up to repeatedly from time to time can aggravate skin conditions on the facial area it. This can be overcome by addressing vision problems more early, so that the muscles in the area it more relaxed.

5. Wrinkles can be prevented by eat food a colored red
Fruits and vegetables such as raspberries, blueberries, red peppers and spinach contain antioxidants that able to keep the skin from free radical damage so keep it supple and radiant.

6. Stay hydrated to banish appearance of wrinkles
The body should always be hydrated to keep skin soft and supple and to avoid wrinkles. Water can also remove toxins in the body which can have a negative impact on the skin.

7. Facial expressions are done repeatedly can cause wrinkles
Regardless of age or genetics, the first wrinkles appear on the face can be caused by repetitive facial expressions. This includes laugh lines, frown lines and forehead creases that appears because frowned, smile or lift the forehead muscles when startled.

Source:  Womansday

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