Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Missing 13 teeth milk, Boy 5 Years this get a compensation 9.000 pounds

Cameron and mother (dok: Daily Mail)

Every time laughing, Cameron Jackson's face, it looks funny. For there is no one else seemed upper teeth. 5 year old boy has lost 13 milk teeth due to physician error. As compensation, Cameron get money 9000 pounds.

At the time of 3 years old, Cameron have decay on the tooth. So the upper teeth should be removed, leaving only 7 teeth until she grew up. The mother did not accept with what happened to her so a lawsuit. As quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (01/03/2012).

The mother sued a dentist who handles child. He accused the dentist had failed to detect tooth decay Cameron before the disease worsened.

Dr Raymond Matloa, dentist practicing in Fountain Street Medical Practice in Leeds, England, claimed no responsibility for the loss of the boy's teeth. It is not known why Cameron dental condition worsened. What is clear is his mother, Wendy Jackson, calling his son does not eat sweets like candy.

"I first noticed that something was wrong when Cameron was not able to eat solid foods at about the age of 18 months," said Wendy.

According to Wendy, his son just drank milk. But when Cameron was taken away for treatment, the dentist said all was fine. Wendy Though her ​​teeth look yellow, not white as milk teeth other children.

"Dentists recommend that more frequent brushing. Yet when we do things that only made his teeth broken and finally look like a small peg. Cameron would scream and bleeding gums. Every night he woke up and cried," said his mother.

To Wendy, the dentist says Cameron has teeth like that by eating too many sweets. "But that's not true because Cameron never touch solid food, especially sweets," he added.

In December 2010, Dr. Cameron Matloa refer to the Leeds General Infirmary. Some doctors suspect Wendy has been taking drugs that cause tooth decay Cameron. But the doctors were Wendy said she did not receive any prescription medication while pregnant.

Teeth on Cameron revoked in 2010. After the boy grew older and began to feel ashamed of his condition, reluctant Cameron laughed.

"He does not like to smile for fear people will say 'why do not you have teeth?'" Says Wendy.

Wendy told the doctor's lawsuit settled out of court. The doctors are willing to provide compensation 9.000 pounds. But the money can only be accepted Cameron when he was 18 years old.

"The money can not answer what I want and can not change what has happened. But that's good at least Cameron can get the money when he's big," said Wendy.

Family lawyer of Dental Law Partnership, Heather Williams, said no one would only have a few teeth until the emergence of adult teeth, especially for the young as Cameron. While Dr Matloa declined to comment.

Source:  Daily Mail

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