Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Child already 2 years not yet also talk? Do this 5 steps


Usually a two-year old child can already speak. However, in some children aged two years and even more, this ability came too late. Well, these 5 things you can do to improve the child's ability to speak

Too late to talk is a condition when a child is two years or more can not speak at all or just a few words can sayAccording to the researchers, this condition is experienced by one in five children.

If the child is too late to talkparents should consult a pediatrician. While consultingparents can do the following 5 activities to improve their child's speech as quoted boldsky, Tuesday (01/08/2012):

1. Inviting Children Conversing

When children do not start talking at the age of two years or more, so he did not have enough words to express himself. Vocabulary which makes it a little speechless and say these words.

If your child has this problem, ask him to talk to increase the power of speech. Remember, infants understand very well what you say even when they can not speak well. Therefore diligently engage her in conversation, then your toddler will learn new words that vocabulary will increase.

2. Be Descriptive

Describe or visualize an object to your child, do not just give a label such as televisions, motorcycles, pens, and so on. By decrypt, you can say 'this pen is used to write' or 'this motorcycle, we went with ride a motorcycle. "

3. Teach Reading

Reading is an activity that can increase the child's ability to speak quickly. Look for a simple picture book and when reading the book to them, point to the words and pictures. By hearing these words over and over again it can be improve speaking skills.

4. Sing

Singing not only entertain your child, but also adds to his vocabulary. The song has a rhyme like 'twinkle twinkle little star' can help children who talk late to speak or mumble.

5. Invite child to out the home

One reason has been talking to a toddler is shame. Because it is frequently invite your child out of the house. Invite them to a different place or follow a variety of preferred activities like playing music. That way you give opportunities for children to learn the language of the group.

Source:  Boldsky

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