Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Healthy heart with Consuming a Tomatoes, Carrots and Sweet Potatoes

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Heart disease is one of the most infectious diseases are not likely to cause death. Everyone is at risk for this disease, especially the poor lifestyle. But you can protect your heart just by eating tomatoes, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

The researchers from the University of Eastern Finland conducted a study involving 1031 people aged 46 to 65 years. The researchers took blood samples of participants and measure levels of lycopene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, retinol, and alpha-tokoferol.

After 11.5 years ago, researchers found that of 1,031 people, 194 had a heart attack. People who have cardiovascular disorders generally had higher levels of lycopene and beta-carotene in the blood is low.

So the researchers suggest to increase the intake of these nutrients in order to avoid heart disease. Lycopene and beta-carotene can be obtained from supplements or is naturally from foods rich in these nutrients.

Here are 3 foods that contain lots of nutrients protective against cardiovascular disease, as quoted by NaturalNews, Thursday (01/10/2013):

1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, but there are enough contradictory facts about tomatoes. When the tomatoes eaten in a raw state, its content lycopne not as much when tomatoes are in a conditions ripe such as added to the vegetable or made tomato sauce.

Besides being able to prevent heart disease, lycopene is also considered to be able to prevent prostate cancer.

2. Carrots
Carrots contain beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. A study conducted in the Netherlands for 10 years to observe how the effect of carrot consumption on cardiovascular disease. The study concluded that the yellow and orange foods, especially carrots can protect against heart disease.

Carrots can be enjoyed in various ways such as making as part of a salad or juice in order to get the benefits of heart-healthy protection.

3. Sweet potato
Sweet potato is one of the foods that are less popular and often overlooked, yet very rich nutrition. Sweet potatoes contain beta carotene which has quite high and can be enjoyed with a variety of variations.

Source:  Natural News

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