Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

These Ways make people ageless without the need for Operation


Can be ascertained almost everyone wants to looks ageless, so many things will be done. But if you do not want by means of surgery, there are other ways that can be chosen in order to look younger.

Some people there are who chooses plastic surgery to make her look younger. But not a few who are afraid to take the road because of the risk of side effects that may occur.

Here are some ways you can do so that the face looks younger without surgery, as quoted from eHow and MSN, Monday (01/07/2013), namely:

1. Good night's sleep
Sleep is very important in maintaining one's youthful appearance because the body rejuvenate yourself at night. If a person does not sleep well and sufficiently, then make the body lose the opportunity to perform these functions that look older faster.

2. Relax with a massage

Getting a massage not only makes a person feel fresh and relaxed, but also helps maintain the appearance of youth by increasing circulation. If either the circulation in the body also affect the skin, the result will look younger.

3. Modification of Eating patterns

Food consumed daily plays an important role in keeping the body healthy and young. If you want to looks ageless, avoid fats and simple carbohydrates because accelerate aging.

While the seafood and vegetables more widely consumed as vitamin and minerals can help improve cell rejuvenation and repair the appearance.

4. stop smoking
As is known substances in cigarettes can damage collagen and elastin, both required in maintaining the strength and elasticity of the skin to keep it from sagging and wrinkles.

5. Protect your skin from sunlight

Always use a cream that contains at least SPF 15 and antioxidants every day on my face and neck. This is to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays because it can accelerate the aging process by causing the appearance of wrinkles, rough skin and freckles on the face.

6. Moisturizing the skin

Apply a moisturizer or lotion on the body, hands and neck. We recommend a moisturizer containing vitamin A to improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, vitamin C to increase the formation of collagen and vitamin E are good for the skin.

Source:  eHow and MSN

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