Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

My child has ADHD, what did they put in the food?

My child has ADHA what should I do? This was the question we received in our latest email. If you asked just 35 years ago what Attention Deficit Disorder was most people including doctors would have no idea what you were talking about, this is not the case today. The food today also looks a whole lot different than it did 35 years ago. We have become a chemical and drug culture and this is reflected in the foods we eat. We have accepted the fact that the Food and Drug Administration will allow danger chemicals in the foods for us and our children and we do nothing about this.

Why are chemicals in your food?

The main reasons chemicals are added to your food (aspartame, sucralose and high fructose corn syrups) is the same reason most things worldwide are made in China. It is a cheaper alternative. The difference is that when you wear a cheap shirt from China you lose your money quickly as the shirt falls apart fast but with food chemicals you lose your body. We have a generation of children and adults who are simply grossly overweight and cannot concentrate, the chemicals in the foods play a large part in the creation of this problem. Did you know steroids are added to the beef in the United States? It is linked to early menstrual cycles in girls and ADHD. The average age when the menstrual cycle began was 12 to 13 years old in 1965, today the cycles are regularly starting at 8 or 9 years old. When a mother says “My child has ADHD” think chemicals in the food.

Big money causes bigger lies

When companies make billions off artificial sweeteners they are going to fight every report that says the sweeteners are dangerous. They want and need the billions and will never let the money machine stop. Attention deficit disorder is largely a modern creation. Big money means bigger lies and it is you who loses.

More Lies

Think back to the tobacco companies who denied for decades that cigarettes caused cancer. They denied it despite researchers, test, doctors and scientist confirming that cigarettes indeed did cause cancer. The tobacco companies simply said “ Cigarettes are fine”..some companies even said they were healthy! It is time to take charge of your own heath and this starts by removing the chemicals from your diet. The FDA will not protect you, as soon as you understand this you will be on the right road to healing. There has been a huge consequence for accepting our chemical diet, for example millions of parents are saying “My child has ADHD” virtual no one knew this illness in the 1960's, it is a modern creation.

Where does the chemical trail lead us? “Childhood obesity, Childhood diabetes, Attention deficit disorder and more”

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