Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Already Change Year still Stress? Forget 7 Problems that is not important

Illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Festive feast new year does not always bring happiness for all people. Some leave the stress, there is even which more stress. Let not a disease, stress during the turn of the year should be expelled away.

Stress in the New Year's Eve often appear because compared to other nights in a year, the night was one of the most stress full night or make dizzy. All those burdened by achieving the target resolution the previous year, and must devise a plan for the future at the same time.

Trivial problem can be a very stressful full in these circumstances. And if you think about it, not all important to consider. The energy spent on thinking about such important matters should can for to do other things more useful and more mentally healthy.

Problems or trivial matters that should not be make the stress and then so the disease earlier in the year are as follows, as quoted from Huffingtonpost, Tuesday (01/01/2013).

1. Not have a New Year event
Buy food and watching TV shows about the New Year celebration at home is actually more fun, especially with loved ones. In fact, do not bother to change clothes.

2. Not have friends
Just because it alone for one night, does not mean curse would not have a friend for life. For things like this, do not think of New Year's Eve as something different than other nights while many friends.

3. Asleep at the turn of the year
Do not worry, when she woke up the next morning it is the turn of the year will still run. The year 2012 will continue to be replaced in 2013 and new year greetings can be sent at any time, there is a chance one day during January 1 to speak to everyone via SMS.

4. Add fat because of holiday
All the people have, in fact no one noticed except that each experience. Let it go, which is important at the beginning of this year to get back to a healthy lifestyle.

5. still singles
Much better singles than forcing yourself dating with the wrong people.

6. Not send SMS greeting the new year
Greeting the new year may be submitted at any time to meet directly, although past January 1. Not a big deal.

7. No Happy in New Year Night
New Year lasts only a day. If the day is not good, then the year 2013 there are still many opportunities to improve it.

Source:  Huffingtonpost

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