Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

The 'Rules' Do not you Listen to this Diet

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Diet done ​​some people to get into shape he wanted. For a solid shape and sexy body, some people eat raw information about the diet.

Wait, but do not rush to believe, about the rules a diet that many outstanding.

Some of the information circulated to diet success among others is with prohibition the consumption of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are considered bad and the only effective way to lose weight is to consume green tea. But this sort of information you do not immediately granted.

Here are some of the 'rules' you need a diet that does not listen, as quoted by the Times of India, on Wednesday (01/02/2013):

1. Do not Eat After At 18:00

This idea arose because most people sleep at 21-22.00, so dinner should be 3 hours earlier. Actually eating late at night almost nothing to do with weight gain. Eating late at night is more associated with flatulence and indigestion.

Sleeping in a full stomach will make sleep uncomfortable, because the body will not exert energy to digest food.

2. Eat All Food that Fat Free

Try to note some food products around you. Today many food products that claim to be free of fat, whether it's ice cream products, chocolate, and donuts. But do not immediately eat all products simply because the claims listed.

Many fat-free foods are foods with 'empty calories' in which only contains calories without nutrients and fiber. By eating these foods, you will not be able to be thinner, because the food does not make last a long satiety. So the key, choose foods with a smart and do not just fat-free food products only.

3. Burn calories consumed with hard sport

Burn the excess calories consumed can be deadly. This practice actually cause a condition called 'exercise anorexia'. Besides being healthy, this practice also causes fatigue and injury. Do not forget the fact that your body continues to burn calories, even when you are not physically active.

4. Exercising Enough with Perform Daily Activities

Daily activities may be a healthful physical activity. But do not then forget the time sport. Because standard gym time is 30-60 minutes and is done 3-6 times a week. Using a ladder to replace the lift and doing homework is encouraged, but it should not be to replace your regular exercise.

5. Skip meal time make skinny

Myth 'skip a mealtime so quickly skinny' we often hear. But you should never do. It may be true, skipping meals will make someone rarely eat so thin body. But this is an unhealthy practice.

If you often skip meals, especially in the long term, you will arrive at a state of starvation. As such you may fall sick, or perhaps because it can not stand the hunger that you actually eat a lot. As a result of your diet mess. So plan your diet you well, and do not let your body starve.

6. Eating foods that are Low Carbohydrate the only way to Stay Fit

Carbohydrates are an important food source for the body. Because these substances needed by the body as food reserves, builders materials, and fuel. But many people who diet have restrictions with this substance.

When in fact carbohydrates can help lower weight when consumed wisely and intelligently. Get carbohydrates from foods that have fiber so that you will be satisfied longer and maximize healthy living efforts.

Source:  Times of India

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