Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

5 Simple Ways to be healthy in the New Year's resolutions so that can be durable

(Photo: Thinkstock)
The new year has come, a new hope is being said. As the years change, but the age of growing health conditions are often the opposite. That is why the need to declare a new year resolution to be healthy in body condition remains excellent. Unfortunately, the resolution is often foundered in the middle of the road for many reasons.

Busyness and lack of commitment to yourself is a major cause of failure in the new year resolutions. Surely it would be very unfortunate if the resolution is the same healthy lifestyle is always echoed the beginning of each year and must be evaporated month after month. Actually, there are some simple things you can do in order to fit in the new year resolution can be achieved.

As reported by Medical Daily, Monday (01/02/2013), here are 5 simple ways are:

1. Set Sleep Schedule
Sleep that enough is not only important for health, but also important for productivity, daily life and traffic safety. To set sleep schedule, start by deciding when to wake and when to be in bed. Try to gain enough hours of sleep, that is 7-8 hours. Take time to relax about 1 hour before bedtime.

2. Select Healthy Recipes that easy to applied
There are many different types of recipes, but not all healthy. Snack in the restaurant or buy food to take home should begin to be reduced because we do not know exactly what ingredients are used in it. Let more easily, start by choosing three healthy recipes quick and easy to make. The requirement does not contain more than 6 ingredients and materials should be easily obtained.

3. Make Eating Plan
Lunch and dinner with friends is fun, but this is not always healthy. Try to begin to decide for themselves when and what diet to be enjoyed. Expand eat salad and eat less fried foods and processed meats rich in fat.

4. Diligent Sports
Before bed, sportswear prepare for the next day. The goal is that when you wake up in the morning, as if the body was moved directly to wear and will not forget to exercise.

5. Notify to the Member of Person Nearby
One of the big challenge to transform into a healthier lifestyle is the temptation of the environment. Should tell the people closest to the resolution and commitment to a healthy life in order to be more conducive environment. It would be better if the people closest then inspired and adopting a healthy lifestyle as well.

Source:  Medical Daily

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