Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Millions of Counterfeit Condoms Circulate During 18 Months in the United Kingdom


Millions of Counterfeit Condoms Circulate During 18 Months in the United Kingdom

Condoms function very big for preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, as well as unwanted pregnancies. Yet millions 'glove safety' is actually faked and circulated widely in the UK for 18 months. Duh!

Regulatory Agency Medicines and Health Products (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulation Agency or MHRA) in the UK claims that there are millions of counterfeit condoms have been illegally imported in the last 18 months. Fake condom use cheap materials that are easily torn and can increase the risk of transmission of STIs or cause unwanted pregnancy.

Counterfeiters has been successfully imitate famous brands such as Durex to convince people that their product is the genuine goods. The BBC reported that the testing has been done on many counterfeit condoms shows that the rubber belt it have a high level of damage.

"These products are made in the Far East of the penny (coin) and then sold here with pounds (British currency). They cut corners and cut costs. They will use the materials and the materials are cheap," said senior investigator Danny Lee -Frost, as reported by Daily mail, Tuesday (08/01/2013).

With so many circulate a counterfeit products, Danny also warned that consumers only buy a condom at leading retailers and authorized pharmacies, because counterfeit condoms many found in small shops or kiosks in the market.

To overcome this, the MHRA also employ British sniffer dogs that have been trained.

"I was really surprised to discover this problem. I've heard of fake drugs but I never thought condoms would be a problem," said Paul Maddox, responsible for training the dog.

Source:  Daily Mail

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