Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013

7 Food destroyer "Mood"

Sweet foods can make blood sugar levels soar and damaging "mood" you.
In a celebration, of course you want to eat food that makes you feel happy. But apparently some foods that are commonly eaten in a celebration of it can damage the "mood" you. 

What foods is it? Here are seven foods that you should avoid if you want to keep the "mood" you stay well:

1. Potato chips

Potato chips are fried in oil are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and can inhibit omega-3 fatty acids to create a "mood" to be good. We recommend that you replace potato chips with almonds, which have been shown to give the sensation of calm.

2. Soda

Soda contains a lot of sugar that will make you "sugar-rush" after drinking it. "Sugar-rush" is actually feeling palpitations caused by high blood sugar levels. But the body will balance blood sugar levels that are too high by issuing insulin effect will make you limp. Weak during the celebration? Sure makes "mood" you are not good. Should replace soda with fruit juice a little sugar.

3. Margarine

Margarine contains lots of omega-6 fatty acids that can trigger the body to secrete more insulin thereby affecting the "mood" you. If you must use margarine for cooking, you should replace the use of margarine by choosing healthy oils such as olive oil or coconut oil.

4. Granulated sugar or excess honey

Same effect as soda, sugar and honey contain lots of excess fructose can make blood sugar levels rise sharply. If the addition of sugar or honey are on food / drinks will certainly destabilize the "mood", even too often lead to obesity.

5. Bread bagel

Bread bagel indeed is labeled healthy food for most people. But do not be lulled by the healthy label given to him. The addition of margarine and cheese on bagels will make calorie-rich, so if you eat too much will cause you to excess calories. A bagel without the addition of cheese or margarine alone contains 400 kcal, imagine if coupled with cheese or margarine.

6. Peanuts

Packing peanuts, usually served with condiments, one of monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can cause migraines, fatigue, and shortness of breath for those with allergies. So you should avoid packing peanuts and replace it with a high nut content of its omega-3 such as walnuts or almonds.

7. Sweet potato

Just like bagels, sweet potatoes may be labeled as healthy food. Yes, if the dish baked or boiled sweet potato without modification. However, if the sweet potato dish with the addition of sugar will make your blood sugar levels soar, while increasing blood pressure and increase the risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease. So, should serve sweet potato without any additional or multiply any vegetables such as carrots or cucumbers.

Foods above, besides can ruin the mood, also can make your blood sugar not stable and accumulate toxins in the body. So to make your stay a good mood, choose fiber-rich foods with no added sugar. Do not forget, notice your meal.

Source:  FOXNews

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