Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Back of Hand turns most many the Germs

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

The hand can be described as a zoo germs. How not, every job by hand, from eating, cooking, typing up wiping or cleaning up. But it was not the dirty hands but back of hands. How so?

Hands are one of the media of spreading germs through a touch surface to other surfaces such as medical officer to the patient's hand, or from mother to child, or into an infection in yourself.

Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), hands contain bacteria 39,000 to 4.6 million CFU/cm2 with high potential, cause contagious infectious disease.

"The most (germs) on the back of his hand. Why? Because every time you wash your hands are always washed hands while hands behind his back," said Dr. Anis Karuniawati, PhD, Sp.MK, Head of Microbiology, University of Indonesia, in the event 'Scientific Symposium Cutting-edge technology as the protection of the Germs', at Hotel Kempinski Jakarta, as written on Friday (01/11/2013).

In addition, according to Dr. Anis, hand thumb also often overlooked when washing hands or not washed clean.

"Whereas 60 percent thumbs up function to work," added Dr Anis.

Wash hands with soap (CPTS) is a simple way to prevent various diseases especially those associated with respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. There are at least 6 when important where people should wash their hands with soap, namely:

1. Before processing food
2. before you eat
3. After bowel movements
4. Before taking care of the baby and breastfeeding
5. After cleaning your dirt
6. After holding the animals.

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