Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

This trick if you want have Sperm Abundant

(Photo: Thinkstock)
Affairs in a stamina is not the only which become the man attention if it concerns matters of the bed. Fertility problems can also make dizzy, especially for couples who can not wait to cradle baby. Unfortunately, male fertility continues to decline with age.

Male fertility can be measured of the number, quality and movement of sperm. One way to ensure male fertility, sperm should be plenty. Because if quality problems, the average male at age 20-40 years the same quality of sperm.

As reported by Men's Health, Friday (01/11/2013), there are some things that can be done so that male sperm count remains high, namely:

1. Avoid lap with the laptop
Testes located far from the center of the body because it is meant to avoid the body heat. Sperm indeed vulnerable to damage when exposed to heat. A U.S. study found that men who used laptops by way lap, testes temperature increases by 2.8 degrees Celsius in 15 minutes.

Other studies published the journal Human Reproduction showed that temperature changes can make sperm mutate and cause permanent damage to male fertility.

2. Avoid pollution
People who live and work in urban areas are particularly vulnerable exposed to smoke pollution. A test conducted at the University of Southern California found that poor air quality will reduce the number of sperm directly. To avoid exposure to pollution, it's good to wear a mask.

3. Choose organic foods
The study found that organic farmers and farm workers have a sperm count 2-fold lot more than the farmers exposed to pesticides. Apparently, toxic pesticides can damage sperm.

4. Multiply sex
Having sex 3 times a week or more can improve the quality of sperm by 12%. View that abstinence can increase sperm volume is a misguided assumption because it can actually improve sperm DNA damage.

5. Avoid smoking
Smoke regularly will reduce sperm count and semen volume. Not only that, dangerous drugs such as heroin and cocaine will reduce the amount, reduces agility and makes of abnormally shaped sperm so that increase the risk of miscarriage.

6. Drink supplements
Men who have low sperm counts often have a shortage of zinc, selenium, manganese, vitamin A, C, and E in the body. There is no harm with drinking such as supplements or multivitamins to boost sperm count. Research shows that when a man increase the intake of selenium, then the sperm produced lot more.

7. Drinking vitamin C
Discard liquor and replace it with orange juice may also increase the production of sperm. Scientists at Penn State University in the U.S. found that men who consumed vitamin C 500 mg 2 times a day or the equivalent of four glasses of fresh juice, experiencing a decrease in the sperm defect from 20% to 11%.

Source:  Men's Health

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