Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Warning, Hand Conditions Indicate Your Health

(Photo: thinkstock)
Certain changes or anomalies on the body of a person can be a sign of disease or more serious health problems. For example, under certain conditions on your hands can indicate certain diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, and etc.

As reported by the Self, the things that happened at the hands of the following may be signs of serious health problems, such as:

1. The fingers are swollen

Swelling of the fingers can be caused by eating too much salty food or experiencing premenstrual syndrome.

But if the swelling still persisted even though you have reduced salt intake or menstruation has been passed for weeks, the swelling may be caused by hypothyroidism disorder, namely the thyroid gland produces hormones to regulate metabolism and keep your body functioning properly.

Untreated hypothyroidism can cause fatigue, low libido and even heart failure. The slow performance of the thyroid gland can be detected through a simple blood test in hospital laboratories.

2. Palm of the hand reddish-colored
Palm of the hand that feels itchy and redness may indicate that you experience eczema, a chronic skin disorder that can worsen when you are stressed. To prevent irritation, use hand sanitizer that non-soap and use gloves when cleaning the house or gardening.

If these steps do not help, redness can indicate an allergy to nickel in jewelry, chemicals in products, or antibiotics. One exception if you are pregnant, red palm of the hand happens naturally because blood flow increases throughout the body and cause temporary redness on the skin some pregnant women.

3. Pale Nails
Nail that suddenly a pale white colored, survive up to more than one or two minutes, may indicate that you experience anemia or iron deficiency. Iron deficiency can cause fatigue, and even heart problems.

To avoid iron deficiency, eat foods such as meat without fat and beans are rich in iron and taking vitamin C, that helps iron absorption.

4. Tip of the thumb numb and blue colored
The emergence of a bluish color at the tip of the thumb may be accompanied by numbness signal Raynaud's disease, namely seizures while in the blood vessels that narrow the blood flow to the fingers. The condition is more often happens in women and is usually triggered by cold temperatures or stress.

But thing this is not chronic, except numbness lasting more than an hour, which require doctor help. Avoid smoking and reducing caffeine intake, because they can narrow the blood vessels, and then diligent exercise to maintain the smooth flow of blood.

5. Nails color change
Changes in the color of the nail caused by fungi and may even warn you more early against the symptoms of diabetes. People with diabetes will experience a disorder of the immune system and the blood vessels that allow the body more susceptible to the development of bacteria and mushrooms.

If the nail color looks greenish and thick, yellow colored old or nails that regardless, you should self check to the doctor to check blood sugar levels. But if you are negative towards the diagnosis of diabetes, discoloration may be caused by a mushroom that requires maintenance of cleanliness.

6. Index finger shorter than the ring finger
Woman with index finger shorter than the ring finger may have a higher risk against the osteoarthritis and polycystic ovarian syndrome, a hormonal disorder that interfere fertility. However, have a lower risk against heart disease.

Excessive exposure to testosterone in utero associated with bone health, fertility and cardiovascular development, which can also create longer ring fingers. But this is not a definitive indicator, so that anyone at risk against the disease it, if bad lifestyle.

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