Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Less Sleep Can Worsen The Memory

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
The more accrue age, generally sleep patterns of human changed. Meanwhile, older age makes part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex tend to shrink.

Research in the United States shows interference 'slow-wave', when adults sleep, is an indicator the presence of processing the memory that is less effective.
as reported from iristimes, Friday (02/01/2013).

The research published in Nature Neuroscience, measure the effect of sleep on levels of memory storage on 18 adults aged 20 years upward and 15 adults aged 70 years upward. This research also analyzed brain activity during sleep and see the structure of the brain.

The results are indicate an presence of lowering in the prefrontal cortex in parents. The lowering is indicated with the lowering on slow wave that experienced during sleep, and also decreased ability to store information after sleep. "When we are young, we experience deep sleep that can help the brain and maintain information and new facts," said Matthew Walker, a researcher from the University of California, Berkeley.

Walker added, the more accrue age, the quality of sleep will the more decrease.

Experimental brain research professor of Trinity College Dublin, Shane O'Mara, praised the study, although himself is not involved. "Putting changes that occur in brain regions and its binding, based on cognitive function or memory and give neurophysiology together is a job very neat," said O'Mara. According to him, sleep is an important things for the normal functioning of memory. Other research show that aerobic sport regularly can increase quality of sleep and help memory function.

Rapid forgetting is one memory disorders that could caused due to lack of sleep. Some others memory disturbances, such as need a few minutes to remembers where the location of the car park, forgot to call back to a friend, and forget to put stuff. The others memory disturbances such as forgetting the name of a new friend or forget certain terms.

But, the more often people utilize cell phones, email and the TV, then the more many things they see and the greater their tendency to forget various things. Stress, profound sadness and lack of sleep can also affect memory, well as with trying to do various things at once or in one time.

Source:  iristimes

What are the health benefits of soy?

What is soy? 
Soybeans were one of the first foods to be grown by humans. Soy is a subtropical plant, native to southeastern Asia. This member of the pea family (which includes beans, dried peas, lentils and chick peas.) grows from one to five-feet tall and forms clusters of three to five pods, each containing two to four beans per pod.

 Soy has been a dietary staple in Asian countries for at least 5,000 years, and during the Chou dynasty in China (1134-246 B.C.), fermentation techniques were discovered that allowed soy to be prepared in more easily digestible forms such as tempeh, miso, and tamari soy sauce. 

Tofu was invented in 2 nd -Century China. Soy was introduced to Europe in the 1700s and to the United States in the 1800s. Large-scale soybean cultivation began in the United States during World War II. Currently, Midwestern U.S. states produce approximately half of the world's supply of soybeans.

Soy contains protein, isoflavones, and fiber, all thought to provide health benefits. Soy is an excellent source of dietary protein, including all essential amino acids. Soy is also a source of lecithin or phospholipid. Soy isoflavones and lecithin have been studied scientifically for numerous health conditions. Isoflavones such as genistein are believed to have estrogen-like effects in the body, and as a result are sometimes called "phytoestrogens.

Nutritional value of soy
250 ml (1 cup) of cooked soybeans contains as much protein as 100 g of cooked meat, chicken or fish. The quality of soy proteins can be compared to meat proteins, while other legumes are not considered complete sources of protein.
All legumes, including soy, have no cholesterol. Even though soy is a little higher in fat than other legumes, it’s only good fat (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids)!
Soy is also an excellent source of minerals including calcium, iron and zinc:
  • Calcium is essential for building and developing strong bones and teeth.
  • Iron is used to carry oxygen to tissue and muscle cells.
  • Zinc is important for growth, immunity, healing wounds and perceiving taste.
Our bodies don’t absorb plant iron (from legumes, grains, vegetables, nuts, tofu) as well as animal iron. Eat a source of vitamin C with meals to help your absorption of plant iron. Some examples of vitamin C-rich foods are citrus fruits, red peppers, strawberries and broccoli.

Soy protein has also been investigated for benefit in terms of other cardiovascular disease risk factors, reducing menopausal symptoms, weight loss, arthritis, brain function, and exercise performance enhancement. Dietary soy may decrease the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, as well as other types of cancers. In general, the supportive evidence for use of phytoestrogens as treatments for menopause, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis (weak bone mass), and cancer is limited. The use of soy formula has been investigated in the treatment of diarrhea in infants and is an effective and safe alternative to cow's milk formula in most infants. Due to limited human study, there is currently not enough evidence to recommend for or against the use of soy for weight reduction.  

Soy products
Soy products are made from soybeans. Common sources of soy isoflavones include roasted soybean, green soybean, soy flour, tempeh, tofu, tofu yogurt, soy hot dogs, miso, soy butter, soy nut butter, soy ice cream, soy milk, soy yogurt, tofu pups, soy cheese, bean curd, seitan, and soy noodles. Soybean flour is found in Spanish sausage products (chorizo, salchichon, mortadella, and boiled ham), doughnuts, and soup stock cubes. Grocery stores carry many different kinds of soy products. Once you become familiar with them, they can become part of your regular eating habits. Some include:
  • Tofu – Firm or extra-firm tofu can be used in vegetable stir-fries, soups and pasta sauces. Silken tofu is good for preparing smooth sauces, dips, creamy desserts, shakes or soups.
  • Roasted soybeans - Soybean can be soaked in water then roasted in oil or using dry heat. Roasted soybeans taste like peanuts and are sold plain, salted or seasoned.  They are a nice alternative to peanuts and contain less fat ; 11 g per 60 ml versus 18 g for the same amount of peanuts
  • Soy beverages - Soy beverages are made using ground-up soybeans. The grinding extracts a liquid that looks like milk.  You can drink a soy beverage ‘as is’, or you can use it to replace cow’s milk in tea, pour it into a bowl of cereal or even use it for cooking sauces and soups.   Soy beverages usually contain between 5 g to 9 g of protein per 250 ml (1 cup). Milk contains about 8.5 g of protein per 250 ml, so try to choose a soy beverage that has over 7 g of protein per 250 ml.   However, soy beverages can’t really place milk unless they are fortified.
  • Fortified soy beverages have just as much calcium, vitamin D, B2, A and zinc as milk and can even contain more vitamin B12 than milk. Soy beverages also provide an average of 8 to 14% of the recommended daily iron intake (1 to 2 mg of iron per cup of drink).


So Vegetarian, Risk of Heart Disease Down 30 Percent

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Consumption of red meat, especially fatty been associated with the risk of heart disease and blood vessel. Recent research has prove only with become a vegetarian, the risk of heart disease could be down up to 30 percent.

Diet vegetarian or do not consume meat in any form began much done as part of the lifestyle. The benefit of course there is, because vegetables and fruits are the main source various of important nutrients such as fiber and vitamins.

One more benefit become a vegetarian evidenced in a research in the University of Oxford. Research involving 45,000 people in England and Scotland compare a diet or setting eating pattern with the risk of heart disease. In the continuous observation during 11.6 years, much as 1,066 recorded participants ever admitted to hospital with complaints related to heart disease. Of that amount, much as 169 participants finally is died because the disease.

When compared with eating patterns, it appears the existence of differences in risk on participants who consume meat with that just consume vegetables and fruits. The vegetarians who just consume vegetables and fruits, has been observed have risk of heart disease 32 percent lower.

"Majority may caused by the effects of cholesterol and blood pressure, and these results show the importance of diet in the prevention of heart disease," said Dr Francesca Crowe, one of the researchers, as quoted from by the Daily Mail.

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the main its reason is the difference in cholesterol and blood pressure. Participants who consume a meat, especially which many fat of cholesterol and his blood pressure tends to be higher.

The results of this study do not necessarily recommend in order that all people become vegetarians, but add to the list of benefits of vegetables and fruits. However, for most people the consumption of meat still needed to meet the needs of certain nutrients such as iron substance, for example.

Source:  Daily Mail

In order not Easy to Sick, Clean the Air in Your Home

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

The air quality in the bad house may be the reason why you often sickly. The body needs a clean oxygen for necessaries of growth, maintenance of health and detoxification.

To increase oxygen intake private, you can drink of clean water and vegetable juices, eating food water-rich such as fruits and vegetables, and increase for exercise. In addition, you also must keep the air cleanliness in your home from pollution.

Here are 5 things that you should look to keep the air cleanliness in the house so that your health will be awake, as reported by NaturalNews, among others:

1. Open the windows and ventilation air
The air quality in a closed the room can several-fold worse than outdoor air, because polluted of air by chemicals from carpets and furniture. Air condition even can worse when winter because of the condition of the room will become more humid.

Polluted air that stuck in the room and can not be changed with that more fresh air. Therefore, you need to make sure that air circulation the room smoothly with opening the windows or ventilation air, including the room bathrooms and kitchens that need more a lot air circulation.

2. Planting a plants air cleaners
Plants can act as a filtration system for the room air that has been polluted by some pollutants. Plants breathing with sucking CO2 and put out oxygen clean, so that able to neutralize various pollutants in the home.

Do a planting some varieties of leafed plants around the house such as bamboo, palms and ferns. You can also decorate the room by using an air cleaner plants which placed in the pots such as aloe vera.

3. Cleaning the floor
Protective the flooring such as carpets, can overgrown with mushrooms and place of cumulation metal well as chemical pollutants. To reduce the toxic load, cleaning the shoes before entering the home to reduce exposure to pollutants from the dirt that adhere on the shoes.

Use a vacuum cleaner with strong suction power and use a HEPA filter to reduce allergens and exposure to chemicals in the coating of furniture every time cleaning the house. Lift the carpet and mop the floor with plain water after cleaning the house to remove any dust left in the floor.

4. Avoiding fragrances the room
Fragrances used in air fresheners such as detergents and fabric softeners contain chemicals, however is actually not be included on the product label. To avoid hazards of chemicals toward the health such as phthalates that interfere hormone, use a cleaner the room or an air freshener which fragrance-free or using natural materials.

You can make own freshener the room with natural material such as lemon juice or baking soda as a cleaner the room.

5. Installing air filtration systems

Air filtration systems can help remove dangerous particles from air circulation the room and helps relieve allergy symptoms. Look for an air filtration system which is equipped with a filter that can capture very smooth particles though.

Source:  NaturalNews

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

This is 7 the Health Benefits of Egg Yolks

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Egg yolks are often shunned because it is considered not healthy, many contain cholesterol and make fat. Although not more healthy than the white part of the eggs, but the egg yolks still have health benefits. What is it?

Some research shows that egg yolks contain cholesterol that can harm the heart. But there is also an opinion that effect his cholesterol not how, when consumed in normal amount and by healthy people.

If compared with the egg white, egg yolk indeed is not more healthy. The white part of the egg contains all the protein that is called albumin and these substances can make a healthy heart.

But the egg yolk also have health benefits. Egg yolk is food to grow for the chicken embryos or ducks. Thus, the egg yolk is rich in essential nutrients. That is why, although there its danger, the yolk can still be make healthy.

Here are some of the healthy benefits of egg yolks when consumed normally and not excessive, as reported by Boldsky:

1. Increase testosterone
Egg yolk contains a zinc which is concentrated. Zinc is a trace mineral and is not easily available in food sources. So, eat egg yolks can help men to increase the level of his male hormones.

2. Prevent blood clots

During this, you may just hear that egg yolks are high in cholesterol and therefore not healthy for the heart. However, the protein that there are in the egg yolk can delay the formation of blood clots.

3. Anti-inflammatory

Egg yolks contain choline which is an anti-inflammatory substance. This means that people who have pain or inflammatory diseases such as osteoporosis or arthritis, can consume egg yolks to reduce pain.

4. Good for the eyes

Part egg yolk is very good for the eyes. Particularly for children who are growth and development, yolk helps the eye to function properly and even sharpen eyesight.

5. Sources of Vitamin B12
Egg yolks are the most popular source for vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

6. Prevent muscle degeneration
One of the main health benefits of egg yolk is to stop muscle degeneration. Nutrients that present in the yolk helps the muscles to relax and contraction.

7. Iron-rich
Egg yolks are rich in iron, so that is very good for pregnant women. Women in general have a tendency to have an amount of hemoglobin which low. So, consume one raw egg yolk a day can be a good idea for women.

These are some of the benefits from egg yolks. However, heart patients, people with high blood pressure or high triglyceride levels, really should avoid egg yolk or consult first with doctor.

Source:  Boldsky

Want to slim body? Try 9 this nutrient

(Photo: thinkstock)
In order that diet weight-loss success, a person does not must sports and eat healthy food only, but also must be able to control his appetite. Some of the food choices you can make healthy alternatives to curb excessive appetite.

Some foods that are rich in containing fibers, protein and fat is considered capable of causing effects full longer, because it takes a longer time to pass through the digestive system.

Here are 9 foods that can help suppress appetite, as reported by FoxNews, among others:

1. Almonds
Almonds is sources of healthy fats biggest is best used as a snack between meals is great, provided that the amount is not excessive. Snacking on almonds around half hour before meals, can reduce the effects of hunger and curb excessive appetite.

If you reach the point of being very hungry, you will be tempted to eat more than the body needs and this can promoting gaining weight.

2. Meat

Meat contains protein and high fat content, so that more slowly digested compared with the most other foods. Someone also takes time a longer time to chew the meat, things this can provide contribute on the brain in order that feel satiety.

Numerous studies has been shown that there is no difference between beef, chicken and fish in terms of satiety, but the fish and chicken meat without skin is more nutritious and better for overall health.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal have a structure that thick and texture of the food that is solid, things this can give satiety effect in the stomach. Breakfast with oatmeal will make you feel satiety up to lunch time arrives and were able to curb excessive appetite.

In addition, the specific content of oatmeal can help lower cholesterol by increasing production of bile fluid to combat bad cholesterol and removing it from in the body.

4. Cottage cheese
During this cottage cheese has been become a healthy snack choice for the bodybuilders, because of the lower fat compared with other cheeses. Additionally, cottage cheese is also a good source of protein, especially casein, which can suppress appetite.

5. Soup

Soup as an opening or snack can help control the size of your meal portions. A study from Pennsylvania State University found that when people eat a bowl of chicken soup before eating rice at lunch, able to reduce of calories food up to around 100 calories.

If you are trying to reduce weight, choose soups that contain more vegetables and meat. Act of chewing the contents in the soup can help trick the body in order feel full longer.

6. Nuts
Nuts that includes peas or lentils are source of vegetal a very good to control appetite. high content of fiber and complex carbohydrates need a longer time to digest.

Research has been show that nuts can help lower your appetite, because contains certain compounds that is called the trypsin inhibitors and lectins. The compound works with promoting the release of a hormone that is called the cholecystokinin (CCK), which slows the emptying of the stomach and helps you feel satiated.

7. Water
Though the water fast enough through the digestive system, but were able to help reduce appetite. Oftentimes a person misrepresented that himself dehydration with hunger, and make it take the food back.

With keeping the body keep hydrated throughout the day can help you keep alert, so that can prevent you reaching from unhealthy food to block the stomach. Drink a glass of water before a meal can help fill in the stomach while, so that easier to control your meal portions.

8. Pure yogurt

Pure yogurt that does not contain additional of flavorings, contain more a lot protein and other nutrients that capable suppress appetite. The texture of the thick yogurt cream also helps trick the brain in order feel more satiety.

9. Avocado

Avocado has a thick creamy texture and contains monounsaturated fat a healthy, so that the body needs time longer to digest it. It can help suppress appetite. Avocados is also source of soluble fiber that is good, because can form a thick gel during its passage through the intestine and slows digestion.

Source:  Foxnews

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Not just body, intimate organ muscles men also need sports

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

Various research shows that sports able to increase performance during sexual intercourse. Turns out men can also add to the enjoyment during lovemaking with doing sports or exercising the muscles around the intimate organs.

The exercise can also help men maintain prostate health, increase erection and promote orgasm. As reported cosmopolitan, Wednesday (30/01/2013) The following types of sports for strength training the muscles around the man intimate organs in order that add to enjoyment of making love:

1. Calisthenics kegel
Calisthenics kegel are not only done by women only, but good are also done by men to tighten the pelvic basic muscle (Pubococcygeus (PC)). The best way to find PC muscle is when urinate, try putting two fingers behind the scrotum and try to doing movement such as holding urine.

Hold up to some seconds and then release, you can feel there is a muscle who experience contract with your finger.

2. Movement squeeze
Just such as Calisthenics kegel, this exercise is done with movements such as squeeze and releasing PC muscles. Movements like squeezing done for one to two seconds and then released. Repeat again up to at least 20 times a day.

3. Stretching
This exercise is a little more complicated, where man needs to flex its muscles and release it as fast as you can. Do the movement much as 5 times in succession and then doing this movement as much 5 times every week.

4.Super kegel exercises
Exercise this one is to be done by tightening the muscles and held him for 20 seconds. Do these exercises once a day.

5. The additional activities moment foreplay
This exercise well done moment foreplay. Once the penis began to erect, hanging a small towel over it. Then ask your partner to move the towel To Top and down for 5 to 10 times repetition.

6. Calisthenics muscles moment of penetration
You can do this movement when having sex with the couple. After you penetrate, ask your partner to do his PC muscle contraction. This can cause a nice little boost for him.

Then try to do the same in order that you can feel the same comfort as you give on the couple it.

Source:  Cosmopolitan

Note! Chest pain such as these signs of Heart Attack

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
Singapore, some people assume all chest pain that appears caused by heart attacks. whereas chest pain which signifies a heart attack, his symptoms such as these.

"Very sick and continuously for about 10-15 minutes it was a heart attack, constant pain," said Dr. Kenneth Ng Kwan Chung, cardiologist from Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital in familiarization media event at Mount Elizabeth Novena, Singapore, Tuesday (29/1 / 2013).

Dr. Kenneth said if a heart attack, then the his pain very bad and constant. If only a few seconds, there was likely caused by bad blood flow or other conditions. Revealed the things that increase the risk of heart disease is diabetes, age of 70-75 years, smoking, and high cholesterol levels. For high cholesterol be required long time enough up to causing a heart attack, because it can be done prevention.

"Check how healthy your heart. By doing a blood test accompanied with arterial health examination. If the good cholesterol and arteries healthy, then do not need actions the anything anymore," said doctor who also the clinic tutor at the National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

One of the tests that could be done as a form of prevention from heart disease is CADRA gene test that could predict cardiovascular risk. Meanwhile, if there is someone who had a heart attack, the first aid that can be done is to give aspirin that has been destroyed then drunk. Additionally immediately contact the ambulance.

"A heart attack is usually caused by thrombosis. Aspirin that be destroyed, could be more quickly absorbed for dissolving these freezing. so giving aspirin important," said Dr. Kenneth. Now, a heart attack can strike people who his young age. For that do prevention with a healthy lifestyle and routine check the cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

When kissing, DNA from the couple also swapped with the fluid from the lips

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)

Kissing is an expression of affection between pair of lovers to strengthen the emotional bond. Overview This activity looks rather disgusting. When kissing, exchanging fluid from lip to lip. Not only liquids, but also DNA are swapped.

The researchers in Comenius University in Slovakia conducted research on 12 couples lovers. All are requested kissing for approximately 2 minutes. After that, samples of saliva on lips women couples immediately taken with pause 5, 10, 30 and 60 minutes. Samples before the couple kissing also collected.

Because the methods used in the research is only based on the detection of the Y chromosome, then the researchers can only identify DNA from men only. Researchers explained that DNA the male couples is still lagging in the saliva his couple and can be identified up to 1 hour later.

"We were able to determine the presence of male DNA in the saliva of women, even after 60 minutes with a simple qPCR test. Other than that, more than a third our sample may be could obtain genotype Y within 10 minutes after kissing a man," said the researcher, as reported by Natalia Kamodyova Medical Daily, Tuesday (29/01/2013).

Although the study was conducted on volunteers, Kamodyova explained that the same mechanism could also apply in different case, for example on cases of rapes, where the perpetrator the man, coerce kiss the victim. DNA is left behind on saliva can be used as evidence for ensnare perpetrator.

"Our data with clearly show the possibility of using saliva as evidence of sexual harassment, adultery, rapes or other sexual attacks, provided that the biological samples can be collected in a short time after the incident," said Kamodyova.

Unfortunately, Kamodyova and his team did not researching whether the DNA is left behind it could survive more than 1 hour. The research published the journal Forensic Science International this is also not explain whether the same way can be done on the victims who has been died.

Source:  Medical Daily

This Requirements of ideal city for the Dieters

(Photo: ThinkStock)

Availability of cheap food, development of the city, and traffic congestion participate contribute to the problem of obesity. Living in a metropolitan area would provide an opportunity to accumulate fat and lazy to exercise.

A company's marketing strategy which named Trulia, rate of areas most 'safe' for sufferers of obese who want to undergo a diet program. This area is known to have an environment that supports a healthy lifestyle so that its citizens relatively have a ideal body shape.

As reported by the Huffington Post, some of the requirements of safe city for the dieter include:

1. Lack of fast food restaurants
To get a intake of healthy foods, the most main option is the local food. Signs of an unsafe area for sufferers of obese is its many of fast food restaurants, while the provider of food slow food more little. Provider of food such as 'slow food' for example is a market special of food or restaurant up to stall.

2. Bicycle friendly and pedestrian

Go to the office with walking or cycling will make your body so often move. Indirectly, this routine can be categorized as a sport. City where its citizens stay close to the workplace is an example of a safe city for the dieter. If any do not stay close to the office, at least its citizens could walk or biking with quiet.

3. Many fitness center or sports venues

If the workplace its location dozens of kilometers away from home, big possibility the time will be exhausted on the road. As a result, it's hard to find time to exercise. The most practical way, better stay in a place that many have fitness place. City with amount a fitness center and highest sports can be spelled is the most healthy city.

4. Many sports shop
Many outdoor activities will certainly make the body become more moves. In addition, thoughts become more fresh. There are many activities that can be done outdoors, such as jogging, swimming or doing sports games.

To estimate whether or not a lot of outdoor sports enthusiasts (outdoor), could be measured by seeing how many sports shops that exist in the city. So stay Just count the how many sports shops in the city.

5. Many offer the diet programs

Undergoing diet programs alone is not an easy thing. So counseling centers, community and diet program service will very help the achievement of the target program. The more a lot and easy access to get the services of this program, so increasingly helped anyway the dieter to lower its body weight.

Source:  Huffington Post

How to get daily recomended vitamins from food

How to eat your vitamins?

Getting your vitamins and minerals through diet is very easy but nobody's perfect when it comes to healthful eating. It can be particularly challenging to get the nutrients you need if you're dieting or if you avoid animal or dairy products. Pills might seem like an easy fix, but food provides an abundance of nutrients, as well as fiber, that pills lack, says Mary Ryan, a registered dietitian in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 
healthy food

These nutrients are what keep your body functioning at its best―building strong bones; improving brainpower, mood, and memory; and possibly helping the immune system ward off ailments both small (a cold) and large (cancer).

"Vitamins should be used only as supplements to the diet, not substitutes for healthy food," says Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., director of the antioxidant research lab at Tufts University, in Boston.While there are hundreds of nutrients, the following information explains the ones you need to consume every day, what they do, and how to get them from your diet.

Vitamin A - 700 mcg
Vitamin A is required for the proper function of your eyes, skin and immune system, as well as other body processes.  Animal based foods provide preformed Vitamin A which is absorbed as retinol, one of its most usable forms, while from fruits and vegetables, it’s called provitamin A carotenoid, of which beta-carotene is most efficiently converted to retinol. 

Eat It: One cup of cantaloupe, two cups of raw spinach, or one medium carrot raw will all get you over 100% of plant-based Vitamin A.  Of animal-based foods rich in Vitamin A, 3 ounces of chicken liver has about 245% of the daily value, while a cup of whole milk offers only about 5%.

Vitamin B6 - 1.3 mg
Vitamin B6 supports brain function, metabolism, and immune response.  It also plays a role in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.  Vitamin B6 is commonly absorbed well by the body, but may be lost in processing such as cooking, storage or drying.  Plant foods lose the least during processing.

Eat It: One medium baked potato or a medium banana has about 35% of the daily recommended intake, while a ½ baked chicken breast or a ½ cup of canned garbanzo beans offers up about 30%. A ½ cup of avocado, or one ounce of roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts offer another 10%.

Vitamin B12 - 2.4 mcg
Vitamin B12 plays a role in protein synthesis and cell division, helping to keep nerve and blood cells healthy.  There’s a two step process in absorbing Vitamin B1: the stomach’s hydrochloric acid separates it from the protein it’s attached to, then attaches it to the stomach’s protein, intrinsic factor, to use it.  

Eat It: Found primarily in animal products, some vegetarians and vegans opt to use supplements or get it through fortified foods like breakfast cereals or nutritional yeast, many of which offer 100% daily value in one serving. For meat eaters, three ounces of trout or salmon has about 100%.  While a double patty cheeseburger or cup of plain yogurt offer up 35% and 23% respectively.  

Vitamin C - 75 mg
Vitamin C acts an antioxidant in the body, protecting our cells from damaging free radicals. It also helps make collagen, a protein tied to wound healing.  Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin C of which 80 to 90% is absorbed.  However, in doses over 12 grams, Vitamin C’s absorption rate is only 16%.

Eat It: A ½ cup raw green bell pepper has 100%, while a ½ cup of fresh strawberries or steamed broccoli stands around 80%.  ¾ cup of tomato juice offers 55%, while the same serving of orange juice tops out at 155% of the recommended daily intake.

Vitamin D - 15 mcg
Vitamin D supports the body’s absorption of calcium and is thus important to bone health. It is also indicated in helping nerves communicate from muscles to the brain, making it essential for movement. Its absorption is dependent on processes in the liver and kidney.  Additionally, a recent study found it may be best absorbed after the largest or most fat-rich meal of your day.  Exposure to the sun’s UV rays activates Vitamin D synthesis as well.

Eat It: In addition to three ounces of sockeye salmon or mackerel, which give about 100%, the same serving of canned tuna yields about 40%, while the yolk of a large egg has about 10% of the recommended daily intake.  

Vitamin E - 15 mg
Like Vitamin C, Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and boosts the immune systems ability to fight off bacteria and viruses.  Nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, and green leafy vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin E.

Eat It: Just one tablespoon of wheat germ oil gives you 100% of what you need daily, while one ounce of roasted almonds or sunflower seeds have about 35%.  An ounce of dry roasted peanuts or ½ cup of boiled spinach adds just 10%.

It turns out, you can get everything you need if you follow one basic guideline: Eat right.

Put the Right Foods on Your Plate

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Lack of Vitamin D, Can Trigger Breast Cancer

Vitamin D (Photo: Google)
Breast cancer in fact is not just hereditary disease, because can attack women who less meet of vitamin D. Why can happen?

Research published in The Journal of Cell Biology reveals that women who are deficient in vitamin D can trigger the growth of breast cancer in its body. 

According to them, vitamin D give contributes triple-negative on the molecular pathways that inhibit breast cancer disease. If the molecular pathways activated, the tumor will grow and can spread throughout the body.

"Vitamin D will inhibits the molecular pathways of breast cancer. Even, can eliminate breast cancer cells, "said Susana Gonzalo, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry and biology from Saint Louis University, as reported by NaturalNews.

It is similar with the results of discovery that are made ​​in the German Cancer Research Center in collaboration with the University Hospitals in Hamburg-Eppendorf as saying substantially the risk of breast cancer will grow if women lack vitamin D levels in the body. Not only that, a study conducted at University of Rochester Medical Center, the United States also shows vitamin D can able to eliminate breast cancer disease.

Therefore, in a press statement, the researchers reveal that the womenfolk consume vitamin D for eliminate breast cancer.

Source:  NaturalNews

The Olive leaf, Ancient Drug for Cancer Prevention

Olive plants (Photo: Google)
OLIVE is known as one source producer of the nutrition good for the body. Usually people many know oil or olives in processing of cuisine. Not just fruit and its oil only, which beneficial for you, but olive leaf can also be used for health.

Olive leaf is source very good for anti-cancer. Compound apigenin and luteolin are a source from agent sinkonin anti-malarial. And oleuropein also has been demonstrated the ability of protective against breast cancer, as reported by FoxNews.

The olive leaf extract also acts as an anti-inflammatory. Such as oxidation, inflammation is a key factor in chronic disease and degenerative. Research on animals show that the addition of olive leaf extract can protect against nerve damage and possibly also in the case of stroke.

In the world of medicinal plants, the use olives as drug of traditional plant has been known since centuries years ago. Olive leaf is considered as a tonic in ancient times, olive leaf and olive leaf extract appears to promote better health overall and help ward off a variety of serious health problems.

Although fruit and olive oil is more popular than its leaves. However, many studies that lead to the utilization of olive leaf as one of the heritage of ancient drug that must be learned.

Source:  FoxNews

Want Strong Muscles? Add a this Nutrition

Having a strong muscle mass (Photo: Google)
HAVE a strong muscles is everyone's dream. If you consume these nutrients, be guaranteed your muscles will be stronger. Loss of muscle mass usually associated with aging. But with consuming the nutrients needed by the body, the muscles will be strong by itself.

According to Osteoporosis International Group Foundation (IOF), early prevention can be done if you want to avoid weak of muscles in old age. Nutritional factors are most important in helping to maintain muscle strength is a protein, vitamin D, B, B12, B9, and sour float. Protein itself can be obtained from the intake of meat, fish and milk. To get strong muscles, your body must consume protein as much as 1 up to 1.2 grams per day.

Muscle strength rated researchers not apart from the vitamin D. Dr Ambrish Mithal, Chairman of the Chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Medanta, New Delhi say, exposure to sunlight is a key factor that helps the body in produce hormones to maintain of muscle function and mass.

"Consuming fruits and vegetables can maintain our muscle mass. Especially if we exercise, the body will spared from fractures and weak joints, "explains Dr Ambrish, as reported Emaxhealth.

Source:  Emaxhealth

Alert ! Tattoos can transmit hepatitis disease

The art of body tattooing has now become a trend. According to the survey in 2012, one of five people have tattoos. 

Unfortunately, besides getting a images that are difficult to be removed, tattoo also carries the risk of transmission of hepatitis disease C.

Hepatitis C is the main cause of liver cancer and organ transplant. About 70 percent of people Infected virus the hepatitis C , suffer liver chronic disease and 5 percent died because cirrhosis or liver cancer. In the United States, as many as 3.2 million people are infected with hepatitis C and did not its realize because they are not feel sick.

Transmission of viral hepatitis happened primarily through blood transfusion or hypodermic needle. According to the central data of control and prevention of desease the U.S., about 60 percent of new hepatitis cases its every year, caused because drug injecting. Even so, about 20 percent of cases of hepatitis have no history of ever using a hypodermic needle or exposed.

According to Dr. Fritz Francois of New York University, Langone Medical Center conducted research and found about 34 percent people who infected hepatitis have a tattoo, compared with 12 percent who did not infected.

"Tattooing is a risk factor transmission of the disease and virus the hepatitis can to not active during many years," said Francois. In his research, Francois interviewed more than 2,000 people about tattoos that are owned himself and its hepatitis status. The respondents were drawn from three hospitals in New York between 2004 and 2006.

After taking into account various risk factors, the difference between an infected person and which is not, increasingly the real. Around people who ever do tattoos, quadrupled which infected with hepatitis C.

Source:  Reuters

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Too often hear bad news, make people become fat fast

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All people need the latest information in order to know always what is happening around him. However does not mean origin receive information, recommended multiply the good news and positive. Too often hear bad news can make fat.

Juliano Laran from the University of Miami showed that a person who is often heard, read or listen to the bad news tends to have a bigger weight. Conversely, if often hear the good news, the weight tends to be more controlled.

By the researchers, this trend is said associated with eating pattern. The more often hear the bad news, the mind will be focused on hard times and unknowingly thing it will encourage people to consuming delicious foods, including that are not healthy alias junk food.

Many previous studies linking stress history with a tendency to consume junk food. The calorie content in the form of sugar, fat and other additives can trigger the release of hormones anti stress so that can provide sedative effects.

However, if left constantly, consumption habits sweet foods and fatty will make body weight fast increasing. In the long term, obesity will increase the risk of various deadly chronic diseases including diabetes and heart attacks.

The results of research laran, showed that men and women are too often exposed bad news will consume foods an average of 40 percent a lot more. This finding reinforce the theory that under stressful conditions, people consume more calories.

"These findings could provide positive implications on individuals that move in the field of health services," says laran, as quoted Menshealth.

This finding also at once provide solutions for people who always fail in lower body weight. If it has been diet and do sports regularly but still fat, may need to be tried for occasional avoid newspapers and television.

Source:  Menshealth

Health benefits of beetroot

Beet or beetroots as they are called, also known as the table beet, garden beet or red beet is one of the many cultivated varieties of beets elong to the Chenopodiaceous family, the beet or beets became popular in Roman times and it was used to treat fever, constipation, wounds, skin problems - and was used as an aphrodisiac probably because of salacious scenes that were discovered on the walls of brothels in Pompeii.

Beet root history:Red beets were already cultivated thousands of years ago. Based on evidence found in the Neolithic site of Aartswoud in the Netherlands, beetroot was already used & cultivated in as early as 8500BC. There were also excavated remains in the Saqqara pyramid at Thebes in Egypt dating as far back as 2648BC.

The Ancient Romans were one of the first civilizations who cultivated beets and used beetroots as food. They also recognized its healing abilities, regarding it as a cure to all illnesses. Red beets were offered to Apollo in his temple at Delhi, where it was regarded to be worth more than silver. Apicius, a renowned Roman gourmet, even included beetroot in his book ‘The Art of Cooking’.

Uses of the beet : 
The usually deep-red roots of beet are eaten boiled either as a cooked vegetable, or added as an ingredient to salads, soups and pickles and also used as a natural coloring agent. Even though beets are available throughout the year they are still seasonal vegetables. A large proportion of the commercial production is processed into boiled and sterilized beets or into pickles. In Eastern Europe beet soup, such as borscht, is a popular dish. 

Beetroot is also been used as a treatment for cancer in Europe for many years. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red coloring matter which supposedly helps fight against cancer and beetroot also increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent. Additional studies are taking place to add support to these claims. 

The green leafy part of the beetroot is also of nutritional value containing beta-carotene and other carotenoids, (Carotenoid refers to plant pigments - of which there is a family of about 600 different types) These all function as antioxidants. The yellow, orange, and many of the red pigments in fruits, vegetables, and plant materials are usually carotenoids.) This part of the beet also contains lots of folate, iron, potassium and some vitamin C. 

The roots and greens therefore are great for women in general and for those planning pregnancy. Try eating the leaves and stalk boiled or steam and accompany with other more flavorsome veggies like onions and garlic. Or chop finely and add to quiches or stir-fries.

beet root
So, what are the beetroot benefits?
The benefits of Beetroot are numerous but very few peoples know about this Super veggi. Beetroot or simply "Beet" is normally cooked and sliced or grated for salad commonly in almost each an every household in the world, beet  is classed as a “super food” in today’s nutritional jargon.

The belief that Beetroot is good for the blood is not correct. Of course beetroot is good for you; it is not high in iron so it will not help prevent anemia, which many believe it will do. Beetroots main benefit is that it contains no fat, very few calories and is a great source of fiber. Beetroot leaves can be eaten raw when young, Incidentally, young beetroot leaves are a better source of iron than spinach!The roots are a good source of many other vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, phosphorous, magnesium and B6.

Health Benefits of Beetroot

Beet is an excellent source of folate, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and betaine which is important for cardiovascular health. It is also abundant in vitamin C and antioxidants. Beetroot is a super-storehouse of both vitamin C and iron, which is great news for your body. 

Both are essential elements for health, but many of us struggle to absorb enough iron. Luckily, our good old 'Mother Nature' included extra vitamin C in her beetroots and this vitamin helps increase iron absorption! Vitamin C is water soluble, which means it leaches out of veggies when you cook them in water. So the easiest way to get your combo-fix is to eat raw beetroot.

The plant also protects against birth defects and certain types of cancer. The herb is also a good general tonic that can be used by pregnant women, and is also good in purifying the liver, kidney and gall-bladder.

Beet juice and leaves are packed with powerful antioxidants contained in its pigments, including anthocyanins, beta-carotene and multi-nutrient compounds. Beetroot is also a rich source of boron which plays a role in the production of testosterone, this is probably the reason why beetroot is considered as a modern aphrodisiac

Preliminary studies also suggest that the betaine content of beetroot may protect against liver disease, especially the buildup of fatty deposits in the liver brought about by alcohol abuse, protein deficiency and diabetes. Betaine also helps people with hypochlorhydria. 
beetroot juice

Beet juice can prevent strokes & heart attacks :
Beetroot juice has been shown to reduce high blood pressure. It affects an estimated 25% of the world’s adult population and is a significant factor in coronary heart disease and strokes. 

Researchers of Medicine found that drinking 500ml of beetroot juice a day can significantly reduce high blood pressure within one hour. The effect is attributed to the high nitrate content of beetroot and can last for over 24 hours after drinking. Beets are also good in keeping cholesterol levels at bay while protecting the body against heart diseases. 

Another study shows that beetroot has positive effects on humans who undergo exercise. Scientist found that cyclists who drank half a liter of beetroot juice several hours before setting off were able to ride 20% longer. Whilst most of us wouldn’t fancy a pint of red stuff every morning, the research gives us a very big hint that including at least some beetroot in our diet on a daily basis will be good for us.

Cautions:Some people who eat beetroot may experience a red or pink color in the urine or stool. This may not look normal, but is really harmless and transient. Over-consumption of beetroot greens, on the other hand, is not advisable to those with kidney stones because of its oxalate content. Beetroot also has high amounts of natural sugar and are not advisable for those with diabetes.

How important are vitamins from food—not pills

Every day your body produces skin, muscle, and bone.It churns out red blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to remote outposts, and it sends nerve signals skipping along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways. It also formulates chemical messengers that shuttle from one organ to another. To do all that, your body requires at least 30 vitamins, minerals, and dietary components that your body can’t manufacture in sufficient amounts. So you need to get them from the stuff you eat.

These essential vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients because unlike the case with macronutrients — protein, fat, and carbohydrates — your body needs only tiny amounts of micronutrients. Yet failing to get these small quantities virtually guarantees disease. Old-time sailors learned that living for months without fresh fruits or vegetables — the main sources of vitamin C — caused the bleeding gums and listlessness of scurvy. In some developing countries, people still become blind from vitamin A deficiency. And even in the United States, some children develop the soft, deformed bones of rickets because they don’t get enough vitamin D

With all the focus on calorie counts, BMI’s, weight, and exercise, getting the important building blocks to our body’s functions, vitamins and minerals, can take a back seat in our daily food planning.  Essential vitamins are not produced by the body and must be included in meals to keep you alive.  While supplements of some nutrients are all the rage, according to the  Dietary Guidelines by experts, “Nutrient needs should be met primarily through consuming foods.

Just as a lack of micro nutrients can cause substantial harm to your body, getting sufficient quantities can provide a substantial benefit. For example, a combination of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus protects your bones against fractures. Many micro nutrients interact. Vitamin C, for example, helps you absorb iron. The interplay of micro nutrients isn’t always cooperative, however. For example, even a minor overload of the mineral manganese can worsen iron deficiency.

Vitamins are different from minerals. A vitamin’s chemical structure can be broken down by heat, air, or acid, whereas minerals hold on to their chemical structure. That means the minerals in soil and water easily find their way into your body through the plants, fish, animals, and fluids you consume. But it’s tougher to shuttle vitamins from food and other sources into your body because cooking, storage, and simple air exposure can inactivate these fragile components.

Your need for certain nutrients varies with your age, gender, and other important characteristics. As a rule, your best strategy is to get vitamins and minerals from food, not supplements. A vast amount of research has shown that you can cut your risk for chronic disease and disability by following a healthy diet, as well as exercising regularly and avoiding smoking. The evidence for taking vitamin and mineral supplements is much less convincing. There are likely many more beneficial components of healthy foods than the ones scientists have identified so far, as well as synergistic effects among them.

in next post we will discus what to eat to get essentials micro nutrients from food?