Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Breast Feel Pain? These causes are

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Each month, there were times where the organ breast pain. Pain in the sexiest organ in the female body can be due to normal or too dangerous.

"Breast pain is usually due to the influence of hormonal (estrogen and progesterone), such as just before menstruation. But if the pain is not constantly associated with hormones," said Dr. Shahnaz Nadia, SpKK of the Faculty of medicine-RSCM.

The same was conveyed to Dr. Sari Siburian Elida, SpBP, a plastic surgeon from RS Pondok Indah, Jakarta. According to him, if the sore breasts every month, then it is quite normal and just because of hormonal changes.

However, if breast pain that occurs on an ongoing basis, it could be a sign of cancer when it is characterized by the presence of lumps.

"As long as the condition is still within reasonable limits you do not have to be afraid, but very annoying when it should come to an obstetrician," said Dr. Budiman, SpBP, of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of Indonesia (Trouser).

There are a few other causes behind breast pain, as reported by Boldsky:

1. Menstrual cramps
The most common causes of breast pain usually menstruation. There is water retention in the body due to the influence of hormones, which makes feel heavier. It is considered normal for a woman to menstruate.

2. Fertile period
Many hormonal activity going on in the body during ovulation, which one of them can make the breast pain.

3. Muscle cramps
It was not common in the breast muscle cramps, your muscles because this organ is not used to moving. However, a wrong sleeping position can give you bad cramps are painful.

4. Breast lumps
Not every bump hurt, but some cause breast pain. Not all breast lumps malignant (cancer), so do not be afraid to see her. Check yourself regularly and go to the doctor right away if you feel a lump.

5. Left chest heart sign
Sometimes people overlook the fact that the actual left breast just above the heart. Breast pain can also be an indication of heart problems in women.

Source:  Journal of Health Seconds, Boldsky

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