Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

There are Many Ways to Longevity, Interested Trying?

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

Besse Cooper, the world's oldest person dies at age 116 years. What is the secret of longevity Besse? Simple: do not eat junk food and think about their own affairs. But efforts to longevity there are still many ways. Interested in trying?

Here are some things to try to get a long life, reports the Daily Mail, Tuesday (11/12/2012):

1. Reading Magazines with Reverse Position

Go out of your comfort zone. It can be done, among others, by reading a magazine upside down, writing by hand that you normally use, or listening to music you hate.

Do this once in a while so you are at the stage of mild stress, cell damage so that there will be improvement in your body related to age. Aging according to an expert from the U.S., Marios Kyriazis.

2. Go to bed an hour early

Just by going to bed an hour early, you can get great benefits. Therefore it is enough to lower blood pressure in just six weeks.

A study by Harvard Business School recently mention those who slept 7 hours or less at night caused a significant decrease in blood pressure. Thus will minimize heart attacks and strokes

The researchers found that too little sleep can affect the body's ability to handle stress hormones.

3. Keep Neatness Home

Longevity someone could be predicted by how its accuracy. Thus the opinion U.S. psychologist, Dr. Howard Friedman and Dr. Leslie Martin, who had made ​​a study of longevity.

It also means someone Katelitian careful with his money, his thinking, and detail orientation can be seen from the way people were laid back stuff taken.

Conscientious person may have more brain chemical serotonin, which affects how much they eat and how well they sleep. They also appear naturally in the situation and healthier relationship.

4. Walking Every Day

The studies demonstrated within a short walk is enough to improve brain and slow the memory loss. A study shows parents who walked six miles a week is better known in remembering and making decisions after six months. This may occur due to greater activity triggers new brain cells and new blood vessels and the relationship between brain cells.

5. Make love twice a week

A study of men aged 45-50 in South Wales (Caerphilly Cohort Study) found that sex performed on a regular basis has a protective effect. The men who often enjoy orgasm Wales (twice a week) had a 50 percent risk of premature death is lower.

An expert from the U.S. estimate sex performed at least three times a week can add two years of your time to live. Because sex can increase heart rate and blood flow. So if you do it every day, then you can increase the life expectancy of eight years!

In addition to improving circulation and reducing stress, sex releases Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a steroid hormone made ​​by the adrenal glands in men and women, which help repair and restore the network, is also a natural anti-depressant, especially for women.

6. Do not all to remembered

At the age of growing and emerging problems with memory, it is not because it is caused by the withering of brain cells, but because we keep too many things in the head. This was conveyed by Dr. John Medina, chairman of the U.S. brain researchers.

Midbrain difficulties preclude unnecessary information. Therefore the solution is to discard unnecessary information to make the room more spacious in your head. So no need to remember the bus schedule, the name of the people you meet at dinner, or in the television soap opera storyline.

Source:  Daily Mail

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