Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

Children Should not Smart to can Mathematics

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
Many parents are complained about her academic performance in mathematics courses. Though these subjects are considered crucial as an indicator of the level of intelligence of the child. But if it happens to your child, do not trigger worry because a new study finds trick to overcome it.

According to this study, only to capitalize motivation and good teaching strategies the child's abilities in mathematics can be improved, even for children who are deemed unable to recognize numbers though.

"The major determinants of the growth in achievement of mathematical ability is not how smart your child but how motivated they are and how they learn. Fact of motivation in the child achieving math skills boost growth in the long term," said lead researcher from the University of Kou Murayama California, Los Angeles.

Researchers claim to not be surprised if your child math is often overwhelmed by the course consists of symbols and rules that are difficult conceptualized. "The strategy to study mathematics different from other subjects, mathematics because it contains language that is totally different from the usual facing children in their daily lives," said Murayama.

The study, published in the journal Child Development is based on data from a study conducted in Germany for 6 years and involved about 3,500 students grade 5-10. Researchers looked at the intelligence, motivation level of participants (self-reported), and participants learn strategies to determine whether it can predict the three math ability participants increased from time to time.

Participants also underwent a test to determine how much learning math achievement at the end of the school year.

From there, researchers found that children's intelligence level affects only increased her math skills in the early years of the study only, while from time to time, two other things, motivation and learning strategies reported to be more important and necessary for successful child learn math.

"The learning ability of the child involving factors indicating that education can be pursued. One way to find a way so that children are motivated and teach them some skills that can help advance the learning of their abilities in math or other subjects," said Murayama.

So how is the best way to motivate a child? "Try to help your child relate what they learn to what they need in the future," advises Murayama as quoted from health.com, Friday (21/12/2012).

Source:  health.com

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