Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

When Cancer Disease Slip into the Body?

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

That said, everyone has the seeds of cancer in the body that will grow when there are trigger factors. Knowing what and when to trigger factors appear, the prevention of cancer early will be easier.

Oncologists from Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Dr. Ramadan, SpBOnk explained that the emergence of cancer two main factors that influenced the environment and heredity. Heredity has acquired genetically, whereas environmental factors are something that happen in everyday life.

Although difficult to avoid, heredity negligible influence. Unhealthy environmental factors as much pollution will be much more decisive, especially coupled with lifestyle including diet and lack of exercise are not balanced.

Told by Dr. Ramadan, smoking also include environmental risk factors to watch. Lung cancer and oral cancer is strongly influenced by exposure to cigarette smoke, as well as other types of cancer although the effect was not as large as in the lungs.

"In particular, various risk factors. Different backgrounds, each type of cancer has its own risk factors," said Dr. Ramadan is also active in the Cancer Information and Support Center (CISC)​​.

Similarly, diseases triggered by bacterial infection, cancer is also associated with endurance.

In this condition the immune system is weakened, the cancer tends to be easier to grow when there are trigger factors that go into the human body.

According to Dr. Ramadan, medications for other diseases often have debilitating side effects of the immune system and that's when the cancer appears to be more convenient.

But it would have to be considered, so that the benefits of any treatment process far outweigh the risks.

Source:  Journal of Health Seconds

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