Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Stop Smoking for Healthy spine

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

If deadly diseases such as lung cancer is not enough to stop your smoking habit, try to make the backbone of health as a reason to quit smoking. Nicotine can worsen the condition of pain in the back.

Researchers conducted a study involving more than 5,300 patients who experience back pain due to spinal problems and is undergoing treatment. During the 8 months of treatment, researchers continue to monitor the condition of each patient.

People who had never smoked reported that they experienced a sense back gradually improved quickly. Patients who quit smoking during treatment, reported that they experienced pain gradually reduced.

While patients who continue to smoke reported that they experienced pain continued unabated and takes longer to heal. The results are published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, December edition.

"The pain will increase as exposure to nicotine, so someone had to stop the habit of smoking to back pain conditions are not getting worse," said Dr. Glenn Rechtine, author of the study from the Department of orthopedics at the University of Rochester in New York, as quoted from iVillage, Tuesday (18 / 12/2012).

This study supports the need for smoking cessation programs for patients with spinal disorders. With back pain inevitably have to give up and abandon the habits that are not.

Although this study found a link between quitting smoking with decreased back pain, this does not prove that there is a causal relationship between the two.

Source:  ivillage

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