Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Tips for Sensitive Teeth in Health

If your teeth ache when eating hot or too cold water to drink. That's a sign of your teeth sensitive. Although it looks small, but if left unchecked can sensitive teeth teeth resulted in an death. We encourage you to check it to the dentist.

Tooth sensitivity occurs because of several things:

1. Brushing the wrong way or too hard and too coarse bristle brush.
2. Many tartar or plaque that causes tooth to become brittle.
3. use bleach and mouthwash that contain chemicals and alcohol.

To avoid and be free of pain and soreness, there are some tips that you can use the following:

1. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and brush your teeth the right way.
2. Avoid foods and beverages that are too hot and cold.
3. Use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
4. Routine 6 months to clean the tartar to the dentist.
5. Replace your toothbrush 3 months.

Hopefully these tips useful for you.

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