Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

3 Interesting Things About Sleep You Need to Know

(Photo: Thinkstock)
We recommend that adults sleep for eight hours each day. But some people can not comply, and a few others actually slept too long. Well, you know three things interesting about sleep.

Here are 3 things interesting as quoted by the Times of India, Friday (07/12/2012):

1. Dangers of Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Most

If you are an insomniac, it is very difficult to meet the needs of sleeping for eight hours. Be careful with this sleep disorder because it makes higher risk of obesity and experiencing Diabetes.

But also do not like it if it had a habit of sleeping time until well beyond the requirements. Because it makes the risk of having high blood pressure increases. If you think a long sleep could make the weight loss, it is also wrong. Get a good enough if you want to lose weight to be ideal.

2. Excess Sweat At Night Causes Sleep Disorders

Lack of sleep is often associated with the habit or lifestyle. But the problem is not just a sleeping disorder caused by it alone. Triggers a person can not sleep at night is due to excessive sweating.

If you feel hot and sweaty, then it will be hard to sleep. Excessive sweating at night mostly due to menopause, cancer, and infections.

3. Insomnia can be caused by food

Another fact that insomnia is a sleep disorder suffered by many people is due to certain foods. Research shows some of the food consumed can cause a person to stay awake at night.

Alcohol can make a person seem relaxed, but apparently alcohol can make a person not easily fall asleep. Another is that spicy foods can cause heartburn and indigestion that may cause you to stay awake at night. Addition of sugar is also known to inhibit sleep.

Source:  Times of India

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