Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Tooth Nested in Ear Child This During 3 Years

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Because believe that the tooth fairy will regrow teeth often a date, the boy was not aware that teeth are kept even get into the ear. Unmitigated, the tooth was only discovered after three years lodged in the ear.

Due to sinus that never healed for several years, boys aged 8 years who was not named to repeatedly to the doctor. Doctors diagnosed with rhinorrhoea, which is a chronic condition that continues to make runny nose.

After not heal for years, finally asked the doctor X-ray examination. And how surprised when the results of the X-rays showed there was a foreign object lodged in the ear, the tooth.

Doctors suspect's teeth into the boy's ear because it believes the tooth fairy. Children who believe in the tooth fairy would normally just save your teeth under the pillow. Possible gear by mistake even get into his left ear.

When a tooth is lost in the morning, the family and the children themselves are not taking themselves too seriously. But since then, his nose is always runny.

Her family just assumed her son had allergies and allow the condition to occur until nearly three years.

The case was revealed by the British Medical Journal recently, as reported by ABC News, on Monday (12/17/2012).

Source:  ABC News

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