Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

6 Ways to Beautify Vagina and Health Risk

(Photo: thinkstock)

The more weird just wants people today. I do not know since when female beauty is not only in the face and personality. As if not to be outdone, the most intimate part of a woman, too, faces made to look beautiful. But watch out, the consequences can be dangerous.

Cosmetic treatment for beauty vagina has become a trend in recent years. Not just a scent or cleaning, vagina now polished like other female body parts such as face, hair or nails.

As reported by Health.com, on Thursday (27/12/2012), the following is a technique to enhance vaginal treatment and its consequences:

1. Vajazzling
This technique is done by way of makeup vagina with jewelry attached to using wax. One international artist who started this trend is Jennifer Love Hewitt when interviewed by a TV station in the U.S.. This method is actually safe, depending on the skin reaction to candle wax. Disruption that may occur are itching.

2. Coloration
Strange indeed, but there are people who dye her pubic hair to be colorful or just look 'different'. Unfortunately, the skin under the pubic hair is easier than scalp irritation.

Options for coloring pubic obvious personal problems. To ensure it does not cause irritations, it's good dye products tested before in other parts of the body, such as the armpits, because the skin was almost as sensitive.

3. Bleaching
Not only clothes are given a whitening or bleaching, but pussy too. With certain chemicals, vulva skin will be more brightly colored contrived. Unfortunately, liquid chemicals can cause irritation, blisters, burns even. Most women who did not experience significant problems bleaching. But given the risks, bleaching should not be done.

4. Brazilian Waxing
This technique is done by way of using wax to shed most or all pubic hair. Regarding safety, pubic hair can actually serve as a protective and cushioning vulva vagina.

In addition, waxing can also disrupt or tear the skin and cause rashes and infections. The place is not hygienic beauty treatments can increase the risk of problems. When they find it boil or abscess, see your doctor immediately because it can spread to the genital tract.

5. Piercing
Now the piercing can be installed in almost all parts of the body, not just ears only. In the vagina, piercing usually installed in the clitoris, inner labia and outer labia or perineum.

The risk, any body part pierced actual risk of infection. If you choose to pierce the genitals, note the condition of the vagina. If redness, swelling, or other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

6. Cosmetic Surgery
Some of moneyed women choose to remodel pussy extreme way, that is through surgical procedures. Usually surgery done to shorten and reshape the labia, clitoris and narrow the vagina highlight.

All surgical procedures have risks such as scarring, permanent disfigurement and painful nerve damage. Women who have enlarged labia are often unable to perform activities such as cycling or have sex without pain.

Source:  Health.com

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