Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

This He Recommendations Young People worldwide, About Health Problem

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

Forum young people around the world have been closed. Issued a number of recommendations, including the provision of sexual and reproductive health controversy.

After proceed for 3 days, 600's delegation of young people from around 130 countries of the United Nations (UN) provide recommendations to the government of each country. These recommendations will be included in the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and the subject of discussion for United Nations programs next 20 years.

One of the points related to reproductive health is a recommendation to provide sexual and reproductive health services. In addition, also mentioned in one of the points about the abolition of the practice of forced circumcision, early marriage and violence against both physical and psychological.

Learn the finer points such recommendations are as follows, as quoted from a release, Friday (12/07/2012):

1. Provide, oversee, and evaluate universal access to basic health care package friendly teenagers (including mental health care and sexual and reproductive health services) of high quality, integrated, equitable, comprehensive, and affordable.

2. Ensuring universal access to quality and comprehensive education free in every level, and allocate sufficient budget to achieve it.

3. Abolishing traditional practices that are harmful, such as forced circumcision, early marriage and forced marriage, gender-based violence and violence against women.

4. Ensure an environment free from psychological, physical, and sexual abuse, including gender-based violence and bullying at home, school, workplace, and community.

5. Develop and strengthen partnerships with many stakeholders to collect, analyze, and disseminate data using quantitative and qualitative and reliable young man who has been disaggregated, to support national policies and programs for youth health-based evidence (evidence-based).

6. Prioritize the creation of jobs and a skilled workforce to increase investment, together with the private sector in programs that promote youth entrepreneurship and vocational training, including paid internships.

7. Ensuring the fair and equal access to decent work, free from discrimination, respect for diversity and promote human development for all young people, especially young women with children and other marginalized groups.

Source:  Release

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