Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Effective Ways to Husband back slim is with nagging

(Photo: Thinkstock)

Every woman would not want to have a husband whose weight is above average. If anything, the various ways women have been undertaken to encourage her husband to re-trim, including attention to diet or taking diet and regular exercise. But it turned out the way it was considered less effective.

In fact according to a new study from the U.S., the most effective weight loss that your husband is not excessive nagging. In other words, this study suggests that men are shown to be more eager to lose weight when her soul mate criticize, oppose and resist them, even though they are on a diet or exercise half-heartedly.

But a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology also found that this method is not effective for women. Because women are often criticized by their husbands because of weight gain or above average just so lazy to diet or exercise.

Moreover, women who are overweight are quite often faced pressure from society because expected to be slim so slightly bitter words of her husband would not make any difference to them.

This conclusion is obtained by the researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, and Florida State University after studying the conditions of 165 couples, mostly in their 20s and had been married for several years but gained weight after getting married.

Actually, it is fairly reasonable because neberapa earlier study found that both men and women will tend to gain weight in the first years of marriage due to changes in lifestyle better after marriage.

So, as quoted by Medindia on Monday (24/12/2012), the researchers concluded that men who are overweight are likely to start a diet and exercise if they face psychological distress in the form of 'behavioral opposition' or constant criticism of his wives.

Source:  Medindia

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