Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Ouch, 1 in 5 People Fail to Stop Smoking in 24 Hours

(Photo: thinkstock)

For a smoker, trying to quit the habit is certainly not easy. But the survey found 1 in 5 people fail to quit smoking in just 24 hours.

A survey found nearly 1 in 5 people who have tried to quit smoking fail within the next 24 hours and more than half could only lasts less than 1 week.

Based on the poll which involves of 6200 current or former smokers, the average smoker's ever tried to quit 4 times and had one failed when tried 10 times.

However, despite repeated failures, about 45 percent still had the thought to give up and return to smoking every day. Thus quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (12/27/2012).

In a campaign on behalf of Pfizer 'Do not Go Cold Turkey' aims to encourage smokers to want to talk to health workers on how to plan to quit smoking. Know when there is a push that appears then someone will do everything possible to avoid relapse. Every time someone managed to resist the desire, then he is one step closer to stop smoking.

Various ways can be done to stop this habit is like trying to tell myself to slow down or delay when there is the urge to smoke, and do not ever allow yourself to smoke even one cigarette.

In addition there are some people who try to avoid the triggers that urge to smoke does not appear, it is usually to distract it with other activities such as walking, jogging, cleaning the house or attend other activities.

Source:  Indiavision

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