Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Cigarette Making HIV Patient Dies Faster Than Virus

(Photo: Thinkstock)

People with HIV need proper care so as not to develop into AIDS. But if these HIV patients continue to smoke, the cigarette will make them die faster than the virus itself.

A new study has found that HIV patients receive treatment with either but still smoking will lose a few years of his life due to smoking than the HIV virus that can cause AIDS.

The findings obtained from Danish researchers shows how important stopping smoking for a long-term HIV treatment, as also influence a person's life expectancy.

The study involved nearly 3,000 patients treated with HIV receive antiretroviral treatment for free in Denmark in 1995-2010. Researchers get more than 60 percent of deaths in HIV patients is associated with smoking than HIV.

Other results are also obtained significant differences in life expectancy among HIV patients who smoke and do not. For example, patients who smoke have a 35 year life expectancy to 63 years, while non-smokers in the same age has a life expectancy of more than 78 years.

The study, reported in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases reveals the loss of life related to smoking 2 times higher than HIV, and increased risk of death among HIV patients who smoked three times higher than people who are not infected with HIV.

"Our findings emphasize the importance of HIV counseling patients about quitting smoking, since smoking can affect their life expectancy more than the HIV infection itself," said Dr Marie Helleberg of Copenhagen University Hospital, as quoted from HealthDay, Sunday (12/23/2012) 

Smoking is bad for health is known, therefore those who managed to stop these bad habits can live longer, and it's never too late to quit smoking.

In a separate study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine revealed that smokers quit smoking program will remain effective even regardless of age.

Source:  HealthDay

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