Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Whey Protein, formation of muscle mass

Whey Protein
Perhaps until now you still wondering if whey protein is and where he came from? Do not be surprised because it is actually quite a lot who do not know clearly about Whey Protein. Therefore here we will discuss thoroughly about the Whey Protein is so you can choose the right supplement for your needs.

Where the origin of Whey Protein?
Whey protein is derived from cow's milk is processed into high-quality protein powder. Actually cow's milk consists of two types of proteins, namely Casein (approximately 80%) and Whey Protein (approximately 20% of the protein content of milk). Whey protein is more soluble than casein and also has a quality rank higher protein to protein is often referred to as the gold standard because it is the most high-protein nutrition.

How the Process of Making Whey Protein?
Whey protein is a byproduct of the cheese making process. Below is the stage of making a whey protein to be high quality:

1. Fresh cow's milk be pasteurized
2. Casein Protein and part of the milk fat is separated to make cheese
3. Whey is the liquid form resulting from the process of cheese filtered to separate it from lactose and other materials to be Whey Protein Concentrate
4. Starting this point there are two possibilities, namely Whey Protein Concentrate liquid dried to a powder and packaged or through further processing at number 5
5. Whey Protein fluid further processed and purified to become Whey Protein with a very high concentration to over 90% is called Whey Protein Isolate.

What are the content of Whey Protein?
Whey protein contains a collection of useful amino acids for your body's health. Itself consists of amino acids essential amino acids and non-essential. That is a non essential amino acid that can be produced by the body to use some of the basic nutrients or other acids from food, for example: Glutamine, Cystine, Proline. While the essential amino acid is an amino acid that can not be manufactured by the body so must be obtained from food, including Whey Protein, for example: iso-leucine, Leucine and Lysine (BCAA).

Amino Acids What is most needed in the formation of muscle?
Almost all amino acids are useful for the body, but not all are needed for muscle formation. Two amino top most needed in the formation of muscle is Glutamine and BCAA. When you do exercise, the glutamine stored in the muscle you will need to be drained and refilled so that the muscles can develop. BCAA will be crucial for muscle recovery and preventing muscle breakdown. Thus, the cooperation between the two amino acids would maximize muscle building.

So What Are the Types Protein As Mentioned Earlier?
Currently protein supplement products, both whey protein and casein are very many. Of course it can be confusing if we do not know the difference of each product.

Number 1 Whey Protein Isolate
This is the best product of whey protein in which the pure protein content of 90% to 100%. If you're want to form a body to follow a bodybuilding contest or body contest then this is your best option because of the lack of fat and carbohydrates. In addition for those of you who are obese and want to lose weight while building muscle, then Whey Protein Isolate is recommended.

Number 2 Whey Protein Concentrate
Is whey protein with a high content and more economical than Whey Protein Concentrate. If you are a skinny or normal body condition then a bit of fat and carbohydrates is certainly not a problem. Whey protein concentrate can be your choice.

Number 3 Casein Protein
This protein can be said to have a particular advantage compared Whey Protein, which absorb a long time. Compared with whey protein is absorbed faster and in a moment the body was gone, casein longer in absorption that would be ideal in certain conditions. For example, during sleep the body began to repair the muscle and its formation. At that period, while proteins require 7-8 hours sleep means your body will need protein in your body that can last a long time.

Other conditions suitable for Casein is when someone does fasting during this period in which the body will lack the nutrients in the long term. Thus, casein can be consumed at the meal of the day so that the body can still supply with protein.

Other forms of Whey Protein:


These products are devoted to their thin where whey protein combined with carbohydrates skinny high because most people usually require more amounts of carbohydrates. Type gainer consists of multiple levels where there gainer that contains simple carbohydrates such as sugar and there is also a gainer that contains complex carbohydrates such as waxy maize.

The difference lies in the body's response to insulin which simple carbohydrates will increase sharply when simple carbohydrates like sugar inside. Thus, the body will enter a phase of accumulation of fat which is very undesirable, because although thin, thin body is not required addition of fat, but adding muscle.

Unlike gainer that contains complex carbohydrates which this type carbohydrates take longer to degrade and are absorbed by the body so that insulin can be controlled as well as more stable and eventually the body will be at their muscle building continuously.

Amino own products is the result of the decomposition of whey protein that the body absorb it more quickly. Amino very nice used to meet the body's needs quickly, especially where they have you're doing weight training. There are two types of amino acids, the same as whey protein where there are acids which are the product of whey protein isolate and no acids which are the product of whey protein concentrate.

Specific product of pure glutamine amino which is so specifically when the body lacks glutamine, it is useful supplement to supply needed nutrients.

Also the specific products of amino-shaped pure BCAA, which is certainly much needed muscle when you do weight training.

Source:  Study from the journal (I fit)

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