Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

7 Trends in Healthcare in 2012

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Not only clothes, shoes, and handbags are becoming a trend. In the medical world, many things are also becoming a trend. One example is aerobic. Aerobic past trends and do so many people, but not anymore. Well, all the 2012 trends what is happening in the world of health?

Here are seven health trends in 2012, as quoted from boldsky, Friday (28/12/2012):

1. Superfood

Many people who want to eat a superfood because this label makes a lot of people think the food is healthier than regular food. Some of Superfood is the famous peppers, berries, and oats.

2. Menstrual Blood Stem Cells

It was found that menstrual blood is rich in stem cells (stem cells) that have the potential to treat a variety of diseases. Extraction of the blood is used to save millions of lives, especially those with cancer. Model and actor Lisa Ray with cancer spinal cord using this procedure.

3. The combination of Pilates and Yoga

Pilates is an exercise particular to the trend a few years ago, but is now re-tune. The difference is that many rely on training the abdominal muscles is now combined with yoga.

4. Organic Food

Organic food has indeed emerged in the community for some time. But in 2012, fans of organic food seems more and more alone. Because more and more fans, it's no wonder more and more organic farms were opened and managed.

5. Movement Awareness of Breast Cancer

During October 2012 has been celebrated as World Breast Cancer Awareness month. Socialization prevention and early detection of breast cancer is intensively conducted. Because breast cancer is the number one killer disease among women.

6. Walking Without Footwear 

Closer to the Earth where we live is believed to improve health. Since time immemorial have heard that walking without footwear is healthier. Well, it is now widely practiced people.

The earth is a huge magnetic field. Therefore, according to the ancient philosophy, walking on the ground without footwear would make humans able to absorb the flow of energy.

7. Emerald Green Diet

This diet is not just any eat green vegetables. This diet includes foods that come from the bottom of the sea such as various types of seaweed. Included also in this diet is vegetable roots like rutabagas and turnips.

Source:  boldsky

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