Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Nutrients in Orange Able to Fight Breast Cancer Cells

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
Breast cancer is one of the most deadly diseases and the most feared by women. Treatment of breast cancer is not easy, so it would be best to do prevent it, one of them by eating citrus fruits.

Researchers used 14 kilograms of dried lemon seeds that have been defatted. Lemon seeds were extracted to obtain nine different types of limonoids. Limonoids is a natural compound present in lemons and other citrus fruits are believed to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Seven of the nine limonoids showed significant cytotoxicity against estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer cell strain, while four showed cytotoxicity against ER-negative strains that contribute to cancer growth decline as much as 44 percent.

Every limonoids also tested whether able to induce death of cancer cells. One of the most powerful limonoids are limonin glucoside, the number most commonly found in orange juice limonoids.

Each also tested whether limonoids can inhibit aromatase, which is used to grow cancer cells. Eight types of limonoids proved to be a natural aromatase inhibitor. So therefore, limonoids not only control ER + and ER - breast cancer cells, but also works by removing cells from ER + estrogen needed for growth.

Preventing breast cancer is not the only reason to consume citrus limonoids, because limonoids also has the benefit of managing colon cancer cells, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, neuroblastoma, leukemia, and others.

A European study showed that eating 150 grams or 4 servings of fruit juice per week can reduce the risk of throat cancer by 58 percent, 53 percent pharyngeal cancer, stomach cancer by 31 percent, and colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

The study found no protective effect against breast cancer orange, but studies in the U.S. have recently shown that women who eat about 75 grams of fruit or orange juice daily reduced their risk of breast cancer by 22 percent if it has not been at all to therapy hormone replacement.

Limonoids not only contained in the lemon seeds just like the one used in the study, but is also found in the skin, ears, and orange juice. Orange juice contains about 90 to 300 mg limonoids glucosides. Grains and citrus peel contains about 500mg glucoside limonoids, so add the grain when it will make a drink orange juice.

While the ultimate source of limonoids glucosides found in grapefruit that is almost 2 times the amount contained in the grains and orange peel, as quoted from NaturalNews, Friday (07/12/2012).

Overall, recent studies have shown that women who want to reduce the risk of breast cancer should consume at least 75 grams of orange or grapefruit juice every day as part of a balanced lifestyle, healthy, and health benefits for more than citrus limonoids.

Source:  NaturalNews

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